Freeletics Community Forum rules & terms of use
The following terms of use are dedicated to assist Freeletics members with information, answers, and directions on how best to use their Freeletics apps. We are committed to develop and maintain a friendly and supportive online community, where Free Athletes of all levels feel comfortable, welcomed and supported.
By joining our community, members agree to be helpful to others, respect differences in opinion and abide by these guidelines. The forum is managed by a dedicated team of Freeletics Community Managers and moderated by members of the community, so please respect them.
- All actions taken by members whilst in the community must be considerate of others.
- Only subscribed Freeletics users can join the community forum.
- You agree to be fully responsible for your own content that is placed within the forum. Be aware that the content you publish in the forum is public on our Website. We therefore kindly ask you not to post images of another person. Please have a look at § 15 of General Terms And Conditions Of Business For Using FREELETICS, as this section is applicable to your use of the Freeletics forum as well. You give us the right to publish your generated content on our website. We reserve the right to monitor all content and, without notice, to edit, delete or remove any content that we deem to be inappropriate. This right remains in effect, if you terminate your Freeletics subscription.
- You give us the right to use and publish your feedback for marketing and product purposes. This includes the right to use and publish your Freeletics user name in connection with the feedback. You can revoke your consent to the use of your name at any time for the future.
- The use of inappropriate or offensive language or content on this site is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, any language or content that is defamatory, obscene, hateful, abusive, indecent, sexually oriented, or racially skewed. Please be considerate to all members using this site.
- Do not post material for commercial purposes – including promotional material or advertising. You may not promote any initiative that results in your own financial or material gain. “Junk mail,” “spamming,” "chain letters,” and similar activities are strictly prohibited. Unauthorized solicitation is strictly prohibited and posts deemed to break this rule will be removed without prejudice.
- Do not use the website for any unlawful purpose. This includes violating any applicable local, state, national or international law in connection with the use of this site.
- Please keep your posts under the relevant topic area. For example, please post Nutrition related questions in the Nutrition topic area. Please avoid reposting the same question in another location.
- Be specific when asking questions, and include as much detail as you can to make it easy for others to help you. For example: which device, which app, what has been tried so far, etc. When answering questions, always be constructive to make it easier and more helpful for other members.
- Respect other members’ opinions. Do not aggravate, harass, threaten or purposely violate the legal rights of other members within these discussions.
- Do not disclose any personally-identifiable information about yourself or any person.
- Do not impersonate another user or moderator in a manner that does or is intended to mislead, confuse, or deceive others.
- Before creating a new post please check to see if the answer already exists. You can do this by navigating through the appropriate discussion topics or by entering specific keywords in the search field.
- Support each other, share helpful experiences, answer other posts, and give recognition to other users through “
” , positive comments, or following them.
- Enjoy, this is your Freeletics Community Forum!
These guidelines are governed by our General Terms and Conditions found here and our data protection statement.
If you delete your Freeletics account (or have it deleted), your posts in the forum remain visible to all readers, but the account can no longer be accessed. If you wish to have your forum account and/or the posts deleted as well, please inform us and contact before you request the deletion of your Freeletics account.