📣 Calling All Athletes: July Forum Challenge

Hi :blush:
I completed this workout, but haven’t received any voucher. Were they sent out in August?
Hope I can still get one :crossed_fingers:

They were sent out :+1:t2: But depending on spam settings of your inbox it’s possible you might not have received it.

I’ll DM you a code tomorrow :+1:t2:


Hey, I finished the workout back in July, see attached screenshot, but haven’t received a voucher yet.
Could you be so kind and send me a code as well :slight_smile: ?

Thanks in advanced. Love the app btw, did help me to lose like 20kg in total.

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:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Great effort! Depending on your email notification settings this could get blocked out but I’ll DM you a code now :+1:t2:


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