Freeletics Big Update


when can we expect the update, including new exercises and equipment? Is there already a timeframe you can share? The newsletters mentioned that its about to be released very soon.

Best regards

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Heya, a big welcome to the Forum :wave:

I don’t think any of the the Newsletter updates said that :sweat_smile: You can definitely expect a big change to the training experience in the app, the team is pretty much working flat out on this to make it happen, but getting it right is more important than rushing it out.



Sure, I even received emails with a discount code and information stating that the app is about to receive a major update with new equipment, etc.

Definitely happening :+1: Like I said, the whole team is working flat out on this.

It would be a mistake to say this would be happening β€œvery soon”. Likely to come in a few months rather than a few weeks.

As always, when there is news to share, we will proactively share it.
