Who is ready for the Extra Mile Challenge?

Who is ready to go the extra mile?

We’ve just released our in-app, The Extra Mile Challenge :muscle:t2: The Challenge consists of 7 individual workouts, specially designed to counter the effects of sitting down for long periods of time.

Everyone that completes the challenge will get a special discount code for the Freeletics Essentials and Fnatic online stores.

Also 3 challenge finishers will also be selected randomly to receive a special prize :point_down:t2:

  • Both Freeletics x Fnatic Essentials Bundles
  • A Fnatic Hoodie
  • A newly-released Fnatic Training Jersey

All you need to do to complete the challenge, is take on each of the 7 challenge workouts in the right order from July 19 through August 1 :+1:t2: It is important that you do them in the right order!

Let us know how you get on!


Will there also be an extra badge for this challenge? :innocent::innocent::innocent:

No-no badge for this one is being awarded :frowning_face:

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There are specific hashtags to use on Instagram?

No, there is nothing running on Instagram for this challenge :+1:t2: