About the Bugs and technical support category

Think you found a bug or need a helping hand from the community? Post your troubles here.

Hi @Ben ,

My app is no longer loading. I’ve tried updating, restarting of the app, restarting of my phone. But I keep getting this screen (and yes, my internet is working fine wifi and 4G same issue):

iPhone iOS 16.1.2
Freeletics: 22.51.0

Please help because I can’t do my workout this evening without the app working :woozy_face:

Kind regards,

No worries @Rein, this can happen sometimes if you change a password or something like that :+1:t2:

Just log out then back in. If you aren’t able to log out, just delete the app then reinstall from your app store.


Hi, So I’m not sure if makes sense to have an active cool down routine focusing in muscles I didn’t exercise that day…
Could you advise?
Also, a suggestion… Once that you finished a step in the day’s routine, how about to automatically scroll down to the next step, instead to always return to the top of the routine list. If you are all shaked from the last exercises, it is difficult to scroll and select the next step…


since last update the training videos I stream to Chromecast are no longer playing. I only have a still picture. The Countdown is displayed correctly.
I tried it with no luck on two different Android devices. Google Pixel 6a and Huawei P20 Lite.

With kind regards

Hi @Ben,

One of the recent updates introduced a new screen resizing bug on Android:

I can open the same screen several times and most of the time it is broken, sometimes it is displayed correctly:

I am experiencing this bug on several phones (Samsung A21S and Motorola Moto E13) that have Nova Launcher installed in common.

Freeletics 24.8.4



I’m trying to use the app for the first time. It says I have no network when I try to log in. I used Google sign in initially then tried email sign in, both give the same can’t find network error.

I signed up with a referral link from revolut and have the confirmation email, I have reinstalled and cleared cache a few times with no luck

It’s the current version of the app and I’m using a redmagic pro 9 phone

Any ideas?

Hi @Ben , I have same issue with Achim.
There is chromecast button on app but the tv just display stale Freeletics image.

Hey @ronny.ronay and @Achim :wave:t2:

We’re aware of this problem and will try to work on a fix asap :pray:t2:


I’m having the same issue. It stopped working on May

Hi! The routine videos are not displaying. It shows a download error E-A-VD500. What should I do? Thanks!

hi guys,
i’ve got a new account on freelectis with my iphone 7 and ios15.8.3.
but freeletics app needs a ios 16 to be download and use !!!
how can i do to get the app ?