Beep is missing in dumbbells workouts

Application is a little bit inconsistent. In the warmup, cooldown and in coach sessions there is a beep after the countdown. In f.i. dumbbell workouts the beep is missing and timer starts just after the countdown. In my opinion it would be nice to consolidate.

All the standalone Tabata style workouts (i.e. the 40/20 interval workouts) are designed this way. You get your 20 seconds rest , and that’s it…go on the “Go!” :muscle:t2:


Ah, I think I see what you are referring to :+1:t2:

Like the time to get in position timer and beep.


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It could possibly be seen as “missing” from some of the workouts :+1:t2:

I don’t think this is implemented on any of the standalone workouts, I might be wrong.


Yes, exactly that. From the Coach sessions I am used to wait for the beep to start. If it is missing, it happens I find myself waiting while my training time is already running.:man_shrugging::rofl: