Coach + subscription

Hello athletes,

I have subscribed to a lifetime subscription for Freeletics.

I have seen that there is another subscription with an app that has the logo of Freeletics with a C in it. I suppose it must be the Coach +.

Do we have to pay it just for once or is it a year subscription? Could you give me more information, please?

Thank you in advance. Best.


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Hi @Yvan, Coach+ is a feature in Freeletics Training App itself. It’s not an extra app. What app do you mean?

I saw it as an app in the App store under freeletics. I do not habe Coach+ in my Freeletics App on my phone.

It is written as “Subscription CHF 140.-“

I see coach+ on coach tab. I’m not sure if it’s just in beta versions and if it’s available for all languages.

What you saw in app store might be a fake app. :person_shrugging:t2: I just see Freeletics Training and Freeletics Nutrition in Google store.

That’s just the Coach subscription, the one you got. You’re probably looking in the App Store, where they display subscriptions available to buy via Apple. You may have bought yours via another platform (web).

I am by freeletics since four years. Here is what I can See in my IPhone App Store where I began a year subscription and then for life. I think I was too long there to havé this IA service. On the coach I do not have any coach+ as on the photo above.

I do not know how to insert a photo here wirh my phone but when You click on the app Freeletics and then you get down, you see

Suscription : Training Coach with the freeletics logo, a black C written on it and a Little + ingrat up on the right. The Price is written.

Sorry I tried to insert a photo but I can’t

I’m not sure we are talking about the same. What IA service? In case it’s a typo and you meant AI - it doesn’t matter if you are a new customer or you’ve been there since the very beginning.
Freeletics only has two apps (at least in Google Play Store): the Training one and Nutrition.
(Gym and Running were removed a couple of years ago).
There’s no extra app for Coach+. If you can’t see in your app (and it’s on actual version available), it’s still possible that Coach+ isn’t rolled out at your language or it’s just still available for beta users (what I don’t know as I am a beta user).

Is is possible. My freeletics language is french. So what is it under “Abonnements”? It is on my App Store, under Freeletics, when I scroll down…

Still not sure what this is (no equivalent in Google Play Store) but I’m confused as it looks like the logo, but it is not - the separation on the left is missing.
What I still can say: there’s no extra app for Coach+ you have to pay for.

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Yeah, I agree with Mela that that Logo does look kind of strange-it’s very different to the Android app logo. I’ve confirmed that it is ours, so nothing to worry about in that regard, but I have shared the feedback that the Logo doesn’t look right :+1:

To answer the other questions that have come up:

  • This is just for a Training subscription, the “C” and the “+” icons shown in the logo denote nothing.
  • If your app is in French, then you won’t have access to Coach+. It is really only available in the EN version of the app (there are some exceptions to this).


The plus is part of App Store’s UI, it is present on the subscriptions of other apps as well. So the logo is just the “C” and it must just stand for Coach, because that’s what the subscription is for.

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THANK YOU BEN! Everything is clear now.