Kgs of the assisting band

Hi, in the assisted pull ups, do we have a way to put the kgs of our band so we see the progress as we put less kgs of assistance? Cheers

Hey, No that’s not possible. But those are only used in bodyweight journeys as far as I know and for these you’ll unfortunately never get told to use a specific weight.

Hi, I have to do pull up holding 5 seconds tomorrow. If i cannot do it maybe in the last 3 rounds, could i use my elastic assistants? And say a feedback that i couldnt complete it. Is that the way to,procceed? Or maybe i should just try without the help and wait for the algorithm to bring me the assisted pull up.

I’d say try your best before but if you can’t do it anymore do as you said by using the bands and giving the feedback that you weren’t able to complete it. Eventually the coach will give you more assisted ones.

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Just a side note: Pullup Holds are basics before Assisted Pull ups. So you shouldn’t expect them (and to be honest, I never saw some in Intervals. Neither in mine nor in other ones) before this basic movement is mastered.


What are the requisites to master the basic holding pull ups?


Grip Strength. If you struggle with Pullup Holds, try Dead Hang (Passive Hang). If this is no problem try a Negative Pullup instead of your Pullup Hold. Both train the strength to hold your bodyweight.

Personally, I haven’t worked with resistance bands recently when it came to build strength for the pull up. It would be too easy to loose form (engaged core).
It’s better to build that strength with correct form than to break the habit of rocking or incorrect posture.

I was used to use the resistance band back in my old CrossFit days in order to learn the pull up. It was hard to fix the bad posture afterwards and I’m still working on it.

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