How to tell coach I can already do pull ups?


Joined Freeletics a couple of days ago. Been doing cali work for years but wanted something to push me through a stale patch. Workouts have been fun so far but the frustrating thing is it keeps programming things like jumping pull ups, assisted pull ups etc when i can already do 20 unassisted strict pull ups. How do I tell the coach that I can already do this? Same thing is happening with double unders, which i can do, and handstands (been training Handstand push ups and wall walks for awhile now).

Do i just have to wait until coach catches up or is there a quicker way to give this feedback?

Thanks for your help

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just go to the explore tab and do these exercises. The coach will soon learn that youβ€˜re able to do them.


Thanks. Just did that. Did the pull-ups as an individual exercise, got the pull up badge but it’s still wanting me to do 3 negatives as part of my progression to strict pull ups in my next workout. Pretty frustrating. When I go into milestones it still only has the first level activated. Thanks anyway

Edit: 5 mins later and it seems to have worked. Should have been patient. Thanks again for your help!


Agreed. I cannot seem to convince the app that I’m able to do, say, Turkish Get-Ups, so it keeps having me do progressions that are unhelpful. Same for several other movements.