Only lifetime training coach as available option

Hi, I started 3 months ago and initially booked a coach until the end of September. I now want to extend my coaching for another 3 months, or even for a year. The last days I received emails offering 30% or even 50% off if I continue with a coach.

However, whenever I try to extend my plan, the only option available is the lifetime coach for a few hundred euros. It doesn’t matter whether I use the app, web browser, click on extending the plan directly in my profile, or open the link from the discount email—there is no button to switch to other options, such as monthly, quarterly, or yearly plans.

How can I fix this? Obviously I still want to benefit from the discount. There is nothing written in the mails that the discount only applies to lifetime membership. And also, there is no way for me to chose any plans even without a discount.

Hey @a.segovia :wave:t2:

It sounds like your current subscription isn’t with us. Are you absolutely sure your current subscription is with us directly rather than one of the App Stores?

If it’s one of the App Stores, you will have to wait until your current subscription ends before you can start a new one with us using a discount offer. As subscriptions begin on the day they are started, this prevents you from paying for a subscription twice (i.e. one with your Google or Apple App Store, and one with us).
