Own Your Space Challenge

Hey everyone :wave:t2:

You’ve got 7 days left to complete this challenge we started on International Women’s Day :muscle:t2:

To participate, all you need is a mat and yourself, but if weights are more your thing, we’ve got you covered :muscle:t2:

Our goal is to empower everyone to join and sweat it out for a good cause, benefiting the great work of the Girl Power organization to whom we’ll be donating 5 euros for every Athlete who completes one of the workouts. You can also double this amount to 10 euros if you do both a weights and bodyweight workout :fire:

The challenge runs until Sunday, March 24, 2024, 23:59 CET. For more information, including details on the prize bundles and contest terms, check out our blog post below :point_down:t2:

Bodyweight Workout

Own Your Space: Bodyweight Workout

Weighted Workouts

Own Your Space: Weighted Beginner Workout

Own Your Space: Weighted Intermediate Workout

Own Your Space: Weighted Advanced Workout


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Did the bodyweight one and the two weighted ones :dancer:

Warning: if you have adjustable dumbbells like me, plan extra time for adjusting them, as the weight is constantly changing in the weighted workouts :sweat_smile:

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I think the link to the post is broken, copying it below:

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Fixed - thank you Sofia :pray:t2:


Hey @Sofia :wave:t2: Just thought I would give you a shout out for your featured Instagram videos over the last couple days, very cool watch :muscle:t2:


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Hey everyone :wave:t2:

With your help we have been able to donate our target amount of €2500 to the Girl Power organization who empower inclusivity for girls in sports and education around the world :muscle:t2:

Take a look at some of the fantastic work they do :point_down:t2:

Thank you to everyone who completed a workout and helped raise this money - you rock :fire:

And a huge congratulations to the contest winners Elena, Anja, Rose, Nici and Paula!
