Please be respectful and do not use push notifications for marketing purposes!

I really, really hate it when an app uses push notifications as a marketing channel

I understand you have a web shop where I can buy gear I need for some of the exercises, but pushing web shop notifications is just plain annoying!

The best time for suggesting web shop is when I genuinely need the stuff you are selling in your web shop. When I decide to swap an exercise because I don’t have the gear necessary for the exercise or when I am opening an app between sessions.

Even then, the placement of product ads is a subtle art and it is too easy to go overboard and make me stop feeling like I’m using a fitness app.


Hey luolong,

you can turn the notifications off in your settings and then I think “data protection” or something similar. At “communication” and “news” you can turn these off. I think in order to not get these anymore you have to unable “motivation & knowledge”.

Have a nice evening :slight_smile:

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Could not really find any of the settings you mentioned

Hey ok so I made a few screenshots to show.
You want to go to your profile on the right side on the bottom

Then scroll down and go to data protection or something

And then to communication

Hope this helped you