Revolut Subcription

Basically title. But the question I’m having is if it’s extended or it get replaced so I “threw” money away because of this revolut promo code or can I get partial refund or something? Thanks.

If you have a subscription running, you’ll only be able to use your access once your current subscription is over. If you need information on how to cancel your current one, you can check on the Help Center.

I’m not sure if we understand eachother.

I had running subscription and then I used Revolut promo code and now I don’t know if it was replaced or what happened.

If you have a running subscription, make sure that the automatic renewal of that sub is canceled. Once the current subscription is over, if you’re still a Revolut customer, the Revolut access will take over.

Is the subscription included with Revolut - Coach only? If so, is there any way to benefit from the Coach subscription included with Revolut and add Nutrition?