Unable to turn on Apple Health sync

Hi, I’m experiencing issues with the syncing with Apple Health. To be precise: I can’t get the Apple Health syncing to be persistent - it keeps on being disabled.

Connecting with Apple Health is essential for me. I hope I can get support through this forum.

Steps I’m taking:

  • open settings
  • enable “Connect with Apple Health”
  • click “Connect now”
  • enable all permissions (read and write)
  • “Connect with Apple Health” is now enabled
  • however, closing the settings and reopening them shows that Apple health isn’t actually connected


  • iPhone 16, iOS 18.0.1
  • Freeletics app version
  • I removed the app from my phone and reinstalled - that didn’t fix the problem
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Hi @liangleung can you please confirm that my post is being read? I’m trying to find out the correct ways of working on this forum. Thanks!

Hey @tsavels :wave:t2:

Your problem is completely unrelated to the one reported by Liangleung, so I am moving it to a separate post.



I have the exact same issue with an iPhone 15 Pro, iOS 18.2 and Freeletics Version

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I am having this exact issue as well.

haven’t received any updates yet other than asking for patience - really disappointed with the slow support for something as essential as this feature

Hey @here :wave:

So an update for you. This isn’t a bug on our side. It’s a bug on the Apple Health side and other apps also experience the same thing.

There is a workaround that seems to work for most people :point_down:

You need to delete older workouts synced to Health. To do this delete the Freeletics app, then go to your phone settings → privacy & security → health → uninstalled app

Select Freeletis and then delete the workouts there.

You can then reinstall the Freeletics app and :crossed_fingers: be able to enable the Health connection.


Ir worked, thank you very much!

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Next week with the iOS 18.3 release it should be fixed without deleting data, hopefully.


Resolved Issues
  • Fixed: HealthKit authorization granted by the user for a data type might not persist, resulting in the app being unable to access data and potentially prompting the user again for authorization. (134678955) (FB14923881)