Add nutrition lifetime access

Hi, I have a lifetime subscription to Coach. How do I add a lifetime subscription to nutrition? Thank you.

Hey Roberto :wave:t2:

At the moment it’s not really possible, if that changes in the future we’ll let you know.

In the meantime, you really might find this useful :point_down:t2:

This course is less about telling you what to eat, and more about giving you the knowledge and confidence to know what to eat and why, so that you can really think about creating your own meal plans :muscle:t2:


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Hi Ben.

Now it is 1 year when this question came up.
I am just wondering if there is any solution by now or any strategic decision if the possibility to add nutrition lifetime to an existing lifetime training subscription will be available in the future?



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Hey Greg,

No, there’s no change to this, and none planned at the moment.

Whenever there’s a change to a feature, we will always proactively communicate it.


Ok. Thanks :slight_smile: