Andrei’s transformation

My journey trough and with Freeletics starts 6 years ago! Even if “before picture” isn’t that helpful, i was an active person ( was playing football and i was going at gym 2-3 times per week…but i was also smoking, partying during weekends, sleeping less than 7 h per night and eating very bad!) Everything changed when a friend came from Germany ( yupp…after years still in Romania :romania: Freeletics it s not popular) and showed me Freeletics ( the “old-school” version where each journey was a PDF (:warning:) and all my PB were inserted manually in the app). I still perfectly remember my first workout Aprodhite ( 27 min at that time :cry:), but also the joy i felt after and the promise i did myself that i’ll never quit Freeletics. For me Freeletics was and is perfect and I think also because graduating a military school having a strict routine it’s perfect.
6 years later my PB for Aphrodite it s under 15 min :joy:, i quit smoking, my wardrobe it’s full of FL and sport clothes, my house it’s like a gym and my wife, sister and brother-in-law are doing FL.
Ohh and yes…i’m in the best shape of my life and my METABOLIC AGE IS 16(:warning::warning:)
Thank you, Freeletics!!


Hey Andrei, this are really great great results and a big change of life!! :smiley: thanks for sharing your story, it’s super motivational!


What @Esri said… Huuuuge :clapclapstatic: man, that’s absolutely insane :fire:


Thank you, @Esri ! I think the best results are not those can be seen on our body (this is the bonus :see_no_evil:) but rather how many people around us we inspire having a healthy life!! Overall…Freeletics means Healty Life!


Hey @max ! As i said also to Erika, are just the results of years of training and an healthier lifestyle ( still inlove of icecream, a good glass of wine after training or some sweets…maybe that s the secret :joy:) p.s. but yes…to have 30-40 min trainings, at home ( going to gym required time spent in traffic, less time spent home after an 8h office program), also during last year with a lot of restrictions, IT’s amazing , even if my neighbors be like


hahahah that’s fun! :joy:


Sounds awesome, man, honestly :clapclapstatic:
But with such stories, you need to expect that we want to see a picture of your training garage as well now, not only one of the neighbours… :wink:

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