Bring Challenges

I want to be able to create challenge groups and give some social pressure for my friends.

Hey Sergiej :wave:t2:

This is actually coming soon! Very soon in fact :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Keep a look out here in the Forum for more news over the next week or two :wink:



Oh nice! I’ve been wanting to see something like this :+1:

Saw this on Facebook today:

Is it already available? I’m using Android, always being up-to-date with beta version and I do not have this screen.

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Hey Mel, I was just drafting a message about this but thought I would post it tomorrow.

We have released this to a really limited number of users to test. I promise I’ll share some more information tomorrow with some more screenshots and information.

But yes…:crossed_fingers:t2: you will have this very soon. Hopefully as soon as next week!


Actually, give me 5 minutes and I’ll finish my post with some more information and screenshots :+1:t2:


Ok…if anyone wants to learn a bit more feel free to take a look at the below :point_down:t2:
