Training groups

Hi all,

I wanted to raise the topic of training groups. I won’t say that training together with like-minded people provides a very powerful motivation and support, because it is obvious :slight_smile:

Some might remember that Freeletics used to have a feature called “Training spots” that was removed between 2011-2022. I saw low usage being cited somewhere, but 2020-2022 were Covid times. Are there any plans to add a new training groups or community feature?

Here’s why I think adding this feature is important:

  • Multiple posts from users who want to find a training group or connect to other users in their area (1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6). I have a few more in my Instagram inbox.
  • The only way to find groups is via Facebook, but few people still use Facebook. There are groups with thousands of members that used to be active but now have zero activity. People have moved to other apps. This includes admins, who don’t even open the app to accept new members. Again probably obvious, but including some stats about Facebook’s sharp decline since 2018-2021 (1, 2, 3)
  • I started a training group in Barcelona. Despite holding sessions almost every week for 4 months, it has a handful of members. It is nearly impossible for people to discover it, as there is no place in the Freeletics app to publish it.
  • When we meet for our sessions, people tell me that they are glad to have our group, because “it made them work out today” and “otherwise they wouldn’t have done it”. It helps people stick to training and maybe even not drop out from their journey.

What it needs and doesn’t need:

When ‘Training spots’ were removed, the developers hinted at limited resources. Let it be crowd-sourced and include only minimal functionality. Remembering the ‘Whys’ above - what do we need? A place to create and find groups. That’s it.

What it needs:

  • members can create groups
  • group creators can add details, i.e. when and where a training session is going to be held
  • members can search groups
  • members can join groups

What it doesn’t necessarily need:

  • a map
  • a possibility to check in

I’d love to hear feedback from Freeletics as well as from forum members on this idea :grinning:


i think that would be a great idea. i dont exactly have motivational problems but just training or even just chatting with other members would be cool. i don’t know anyone in my city with the app, but i also don’t have insta or facebook anymore.

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Yep, I am the same, I mostly train alone anyway, but I know that many-many people need a training buddy/group and this is true for most my friends and everyone in our training group.

As for socials, I haven’t yet decided to delete Instagram, but would like to delete Facebook by now, and the only reason I keep it is to have access to one group…

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Hi! We hear you and will pass on your feedback. However, we also want to be transparent about the fact that we are not currently working on bringing the feature back. Have a look at our social media channels - for example, you can find some training locations on Instagram if you enter Freeletics in the search bar and then look under locations.

Thank you for passing the feedback on.

On the workaround - I don’t think searching for training groups on Instagram works. First, in the sense that people don’t know to do it. Secondly, in the sense that the locations that come up are not maintained and I am not seeing locations that exist and vice versa. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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I also tried to search places with this workaround - yepp, I found Berlin :joy: and Hongkong