I just started but during my first workout I had to stop, so I quickly pressed finish. It now starts the 2nd workout but I want to start over. It annoys me so much that I cant just start fresh.
I searched how to delete the workout, but I dont have recent workouts in the list (profile - workout - recent). It does says 2 workouts in my achievements.
Please help! I refuse to start the next workout because I want to follow the program.
Not sure what happened at yours, do you mean your warmup what you finished quickly? Or did you closed your complete coach day after warmup?
Because only warmup and cooldowns are not visible in own training history (where you can delete an exercise, interval or god workout).
It’s absolutely fine to stop a coach sessions when life happens. But I like to point out here (and I’m quite sure a lot of people are hating me for this), that’s a question of priority. One of Freeletics most quoted sentence is “no excuses” besides “never quit”. It’s absolutely fine to quit a session (it really is because of priorities!) but this also is why there is no option to restart a session.
Missing a session (or shorten by mistake) won’t let your training journey go down. Just pick up the next one, sweat and enjoy.
(In my case, switching a session away or shorten it, will let the coach give me exactly that session the next week. ‘No excuses, that session has to be done.’ so to say)