I can’t cancel a Workout even if i follow the official instructions:
Go to your profile.
Tap on “WORKOUTS” and navigate to the “RECENTS” tab. ==>this bring me to the coach interface, where i can see the “today workout”. Is that right?
Select the training you want to delete. ==>Yes today i have my first workout, so i don’t have to select because it is already selected
Tap on the edit icon on the right top corner.
**==> which one? the gear wheel?, if yes i don’t have any option. to delete, only to change my global preferences **
Select Delete Workout. ==>I can’t because there is no option to do it
I fact I think i might not asking the right question: because i subscribed today, and i chose to train wednesday, friday and sunday, the app propose me to start the workout plan (12 weeks plan) today… and i want to start only next wednesday…
So i think, i just have to wait next wednesday to start the workout plan and the app will shift automatically the first session on next wednesday. Am I right? Or shall i modify somewhere my plan starting date?
If you really want to start next Wednesday, just do it (all the sessions will be postponed and won’t be lost). The Coach just assumes that you want to start immediately and offers you the configured training days.
And welcome to Freeletics
In case you need some activity in your feed and some clap claps: what’s you name at Freeletics to follow?
Thank you very much for your help. I am rather a modest and discreet person so I am not favorable to share my activity. Claps claps won’t change my motivation even I sincerely appreciate your kindness