Exercise indicator turns white in dark mode

For some time I noticed that I always have to turn the dark mode off in my phone options because the app changes colors of some elements. The main problem is that the repetition indicator of the exercise turns white instead of black. It is hard to see this element on white background.

It’s better to understand showing screenshots:
Dark mode on:

It doesn’t bother me that much, but it something I always have to do…
My smartphone: Xiaomi Mi 9T

I don’t think the app is really compatible with dark mode-same thing happens to me.

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It works quite well with the in-built dark mode for Android >= 10.

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I also have android 10 version. Maybe the problem appears only on Xiaomi.

I guess it depends on interaction between Dark Mode App and Android < 10 as the in-built functionality of dark mode (working with Freeletics) is an Android feature since 10.


Hello everyone :wave:

The Dark mode on the mobile device is unfortunately not compatible with the Freeletics Training App. When the Dark Mode is activated , it will make it difficult to read any text displayed over the videos displayed in the app.

You have 2 options here to work around this problem:

  • Disable dark mode on the phone or,
  • Disable the developer settings or possibly any other setting on your phone that offers to “force dark mode” .

Hope this brings some light into the darkness :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Ok gotcha, so for now the app is not compatible whith dark mode.
As you said I will turn off the dark mode off as a temporary fix.

Thank you all for the replies :slight_smile:.

Haha, nice one @Charly :smiley:, it did.