How to change the weight and/or reps in a workout in Dumbbell Gain or Kettlebell Fundamentals

Heya Valerie :wave:t2:

That’s correct, the Kettlebell Training Journey is time-based, not rep based :+1:t2:

This :point_up:t2: will always happen when you are using weights that are quite low, and where there is a big jump to your next available weight. The Coach is progressive, and will incrementally adjust the difficulty of your workouts based on your feedback. With low weights, the only way the Coach can progressively adjust to positive feedback without a huge jump in the assigned weight is to increase the time (in the case of Kettlebells).

This is why I can not stress enough that you will get the most benefit from these Journeys with a wide range of weights available to you.

This scenario is discussed quite a lot on the Forum, I’ve pasted a link to one discussion below :point_down:t2:
