Hi all,
Thanks for the work on this app, I have just joined and I am doing the 7 days trial.
Most workout apps have some audio description for the exercises. For example, when a new exercise starts, the app says the name of the exercise, the number of reps, and a few suggestions on how to do it. This is a very useful feature because it means I don’t have to look at the phone every time a new exercise starts.
However, it seems Freeletics doesn’t have any such feature. I have to pause AoO every time to read the description of the exercise, and understand how to do it. Even the videos are mute - there is no sound at all.
I am wondering if I am missing any options in the menu, or anything I need to activate in order to get more audio descriptions. It feels it would be pretty easy to read the how to do it text using any text-to-speech tool. Am I doing wrong, or is it a design choice?