My 9-year transformation story

I grew up in a non-athletic environment, lacking muscle and with a small torso, underdeveloped shoulders and arms, and a flabby lower body. I always wanted to be fit, but I didn’t know where to start.

In 2009, I briefly joined some aerobics classes, but I quit after not seeing results. In 2010, I bought a year-long gym membership, attended once, felt overwhelmed not knowing what to do with all the machines, and never returned.

Gym Phase

In 2014, I finally decided to grab the bull by the horns and embarked on body transformation, researching extensively on goal setting, bodybuilding, and nutrition. I dug so deep, it is probably safe to say that I read the whole internet :grin:.

I chose classical heavy weightlifting, starting with bulking despite wanting a slender physique. My routine included not only training, but daily learning of theory, technique, and nutrition.

My significant transformation occurred in 2014-2015, with impressive gains, including a rapid 4-kilo weight increase and substantial bicep growth :muscle:.


After a couple of years I decided to hire a personal trainer. Under his pressure I got severe wrist injuries, forcing a six-month break when I couldn’t train and even struggled to hold a fork. Doctors diagnosed permanent wrist damage and hypermobility, advising quitting all sports except swimming for the rest of my life :confounded:.

Resilience and Adaptation

Refusing to accept this, I resumed weightlifting with precautions, adjusted nutrition, and gradually took up interest in other activities such as hiking, dancing, cycling, and gym bouldering. The gym routine continued until early 2020.

Freeletics Phase

In early 2020, I discovered Freeletics, a perfect fit for my independent, research-driven, self-challenging nature. I’ve been dedicated to Freeletics for 3.5 years now, with breaks for swimming and dancing classes. Recently, I completed my sixth Freeletics journey, achieving my best shape ever.


  • Pushup Progression: From one to 60, including diamond, spiderman, and starting clapping pushups.
  • Body Transformation: Shifting from a triangle :slightly_smiling_face: to an inverted triangle :upside_down_face: and debunking the myth that body shapes are fixed.
  • Consistent Strength: Feeling strong and energized most days. Now I don’t need anyone’s help to open a jar :laughing:
  • Inspiring Others: Motivating friends, with one becoming my gym body earlier, and now three more joining Freeletics due to my experience.
  • Work Recognition: Colleagues seek fitness advice; currently I am leading a fitness initiative at work to motivate working women to engage in fitness activities.

Future Goals

  • Diverse Activities: Continuing various activities and active lifestyle
  • Improve skills: I want to master advanced pushups and other complex movements.
  • Aging Gracefully: Inspired by fit elders, I believe fitness enhances life quality and longevity :heartbeat:. I aspire to be a fit granny one day :older_woman: :weight_lifting_woman:.


damn thats a great journey, probs to you! very impressed by your transformation over the years! :clap:

hope I’ll get there as well, as i’m also from a very unsporty household and lacking muscles :smile:

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Thank you!
You can do it - the difficult part for me was figuring out where to start, but once that’s sorted, all you need is a bit of patience and it will come. :muscle:


LOVE this! Go Sofia!! :fire::muscle::clap:

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Great! :muscle:
Thanks for sharing your story and your transformation. :call_me_hand:
You are a real inspiring example of commitment and dedication. :100:

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¡Espectacular cambio! Me he sentido muy identificado con tu historia. You’re such an inspirational freeathlet! :wink:

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Hello Everyone!

Congrats Sofia! Awesome transformation.

Last months I’ve been spinning around this topic, I mean, about the transformation you can get using Freeletics, because I’m feeling stuck in some point.

I’ve been in freeletics from 8 years, (almost 6 years of them without training I just opened the account to see what was freeletics) but I started training constantly around 2 years. Since then I’ve been doing training 4-5 days, every week (except for sickness) and the better shape I had was doing the Hybrid Journey.

Last year I decide to don’t skip or change my training days, so I’ve been training during 5 days, and the other two days I use them for mobility and strengthening more similar to physiotherapy, or just walking outside, but definitely something with less intensity.

During all this time, I’ve been tracking me, two pictures per month, but I don’t see big progress, I improved my foods, guarantee 7 hours for sleep time, good amount of water during a day (2.5 -3.5 Lt) but… still the same. I tell myself " trust the process" but honestly sometimes is a little bit frustrating.

So any ideas?

I’ll appreciate your comments!

That’s an interesting question and it requires almost a consultation :slight_smile:

First of all, I wanted to say that with 4-5 days of training during 2 years I am sure you have progressed in some aspects, but perhaps not in all aspects, or not in some of the specific aspects that you want. I imagine you have increased at least your stamina and strength.

What are your goals? Are you looking to look slimmer, add muscle mass, add definition, something else - what is it? Getting a good amount of sleep and water is great, but “improving foods” means something different to every person. Depending on what you are looking for in your transformation journey, you could take some more targeted actions with your nutrition as well as in your training. Let us know more about your goals and I’m sure the community here will have some specific advice.

Your journey is truly inspiring! It’s remarkable how you turned setbacks into stepping stones and took the challenges to achieve such incredible transformation and growth. Your resilience and determination are truly commendable. Not only have you transformed your body, but you’ve also transformed your mindset and become an inspiration for others. Your commitment to continuous improvement and embracing a diverse range of activities speaks volumes about your passion for living a fulfilling and healthy life.
Keep shining bright and inspiring others on their fitness journeys. You’re a true embodiment of strength, both physically and mentally. Here’s to many more years of health, happiness, and achieving your future goals! :star2::muscle::weight_lifting_woman:

(Edited by @Ben )

Personal trainer → wrist injury

Wow, that part of your story is crazy, I would be so mad at that trainer!
But very happy for you that you did not let that injury stop you from living a healthy, active lifestyle and instead even expanding your activities to other sports as well!
:clap: :clap: