Ready for the next Fitness Revolution?

:fire: We’re going to destroy workout boredom once and for all! Make sure you sign up to the newsletter on the site below for more information in the coming weeks :fire:

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I’m pumped to find out what this is! I can only dream :smiley:


I, for one, am excited to hear more! When will you be releasing more information?


For the German speakers among us a little teaser by Frankfurter Allgemeine:

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Thanks, mela.

Sounds like „Peloton“ for strenght training. I‘m out :man_shrugging:

The site is released now.

Daniel, our CEO, gave a presentation that I think gives a good overview of STÆDIUM at the Web Summit recently.

It’s not too long, just over 7 minutes, and I uploaded it on to Drive which you can hopefully :crossed_fingers:t2: watch below :+1:t2:


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