Exciting news! New Training Journey incoming šŸŽ‰

Hey everyone :wave:t2:

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new training journey: Explosive Calisthenics!

This journey has been especially designed to elevate your training experience with dynamic and powerful bodyweight exercises that will challenge both your strength and agility.

It uses bodyweight exercises only and wonā€™t offer the option to include equipment like weights or resistance bands. If you have runs enabled and select 4 or 5 sessions per week, the Coach can also assign a mix of running intervals and running Gods.

:exclamation: To access the Explosive Calisthenics journey, please ensure that you have the latest version of the Freeletics app installed. :exclamation:

For more details about this exciting new journey, check out our blog post here: Explosive Calisthenics

Get ready to take your training to the next level! :muscle::fire:



I was waiting gor this. I saw it says ā€œincludes sprints and runsā€, can you do this journey with these disabled?


Yup-you can still use the ā€œExclude runsā€ option, even if you have 4-5 days training set. The running intervals really add something to this Journey though, so if you can, do try them :+1:t2:



What is the main difference between this journey and weights free gain?



Awesome! Iā€™ve always been repeating the ā€˜Weights-Free Gainā€™ journeys so this will be a welcome change. Looking forward to it.

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Hey @Dark :wave:t2:

Ah, itā€™s very different to WFG :+1:t2: Itā€™s almost like 2 journeys in 1, the first half focusing on Strength (i.e. how much force you can produce) followed by a week of deloading before a second training period focusing on Power (i.e. how quickly you can produce this) followed by another deloading week, before a Hell Week :sweat_smile:



Sounds good

Already jumped on it :muscle:


Hello, thank you very much for the update! I might try after my current journey :slight_smile:

Is it plan to add additional exercices or goal like the L or the flag and get the specific exercices to reach our goal ?
Is it plan in the roadmap to have some calisthenics using materials such as parallelette or dips pull bar, gym parallel bar or pullup bar, gym ring ? This would be really amazing to have freeletics covering calisthenics!
Thank you for this new training journey!

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Hey John :wave:t2:

Calisthenics is simply a type of resistance training that uses your own body weight and gravity to help you build strength and endurance. The vast majority of the Training Journeys already in the app are calisthenics based for which you need nothing but your own bodyweight (although having a pullup bar is a useful optional most of the time!) to do.

We donā€™t share our product roadmap, but we always want to add more equipment and exercises, and hopefully you will be able to see some of this in the future.



Iā€™m really happy to see a meaningful Freeletics update. Congrats to the team, and a huge round of applause for (what I assume is) reshaping the roadmap and focusing on the right things, which weā€™ve been noticing for some time now.

@Ben ā€“ could you share how long it takes to prepare a completely new journey?

I hope this is just the beginning, and weā€™ll see much more new content! :bear:


3 posts were split to a new topic: Swimming and Garmin tracking

Weā€™re always trying to introduce new content Pawel :+1:t2: We never rush features out, and when it comes to Training we put a great deal of time and effort in to make sure that what we introduce is safe, challenging and ultimately helps Athletes reach their training goals.


Does this journey focus also on upper body strength? Or is it rather lower body explosiveness?

Great news and well done to the team. It would be great if we could try another journey without quitting the one weā€™re currently doing. Or at least you can get a glimpse of a training day or week. Like a test ride.

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This is great news, but at the same time letā€™s face it, Freeletics is already strong on bodyweight, explosive training journeys, so to me it still feels a bit more of the same. I would love to see a new journey combining all the available equipments: bodyweight, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, platesā€¦ If Freeletics would work out something like that they would be really pioneers, as I havenā€™t found any other app that does this (and I have tried many). Anything like this on the plans?


Hi Ben,
Iā€™m going to start this training program, since I used to run, I enabled runs as well. Just wondering if there is any option to replace the run with tredmill when outside is raining. Thanks for reply.

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Hey @maurizioweb :wave:t2: A big welcome :smile:

Yes :+1:t2: Thereā€™s 2 options:

Option 1. Do the running workout without your phone and log the whole interval manually as below:

Option 2. Turn off GPS tracking, and have your phone in front of you on the treadmill, and just swipe as required when you complete each part of the interval/run.

