Brand new and want to say hello, or are you looking for a Training Buddy? This the conversation for you!
Hi @Mike and @venla.hulkko
Thanks for joining!
Love that you get notifications within the profile instead of an email - that‘s a huge plus
100% agree with you. I think you can turn emails on or off-you might get a daily summary email which gets turned off automatically when 50 users have joined, but I will turn it off after I get the first one tomorrow-I want to see what it looks like first.
@Gokhan Welcome to the crew dude!
Thanks mate, good to be here @Ben
Liking this new forum!
@venla.hulkko Ah, that’s great to hear!
Hi @Matt_LA! Welcome to the forum!
Hey @Esri! You’re here!
@Ben that’s great!! Love this app Great job guys!
@Esri Yeah, make sure you take a look around
I see @Luka has managed to find his way in as well
And @Jojo
Hello everyone, this is amazing!
Hello everybody
Now that I managed to get my profile properly sorted, I also feel good enough to take part here
Looking forward to a few hundred thousand messages with you and many others in these topics in the future
Hi @Sissi Welcome to Forum Mk 2
Hey @nickfreer Feel free to look around and let us know what you think
@Ben thanks for the welcome! Everything looks great!!! I feel like Charlie in the chocolate factory.