We want your input!

I’m wondering if going straight to the next interval will require an ongoing internet connection or not. And thus we wouldn’t be able to workout in offline mode and then turn it back on once finished to update the Coach day.

I agree I think the new update is a little annoying. For example i like to be able to alter my workout during the rest but now that option has done.

Before I could see where I am in the workout during rests but now that has gone and instead I have to scroll and count.

Small things but they are annoying.

I’m still waiting for the day where we’ll have the possibility to create a custom workout schedule.
Also integration with Fitbit would be welcome

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Oh, and maybe spare us from going back to the home screen and scroll down to select the new interval after one is finished. I would expect to enter the new interval’s main screen right after I complete one.


Hey Michele :wave:t2: A big welcome to the Forum :muscle:t2:

Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long :wink: :point_down:t2:


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It’s been… a long wait. Hurray for the great news!!

I would like to have a detailed explanation as to why I do certain exercises


Hey guys, for me as a daddy from a youngster it would be really helpful to just tell the coach: I like to train three days a week without the urge to select fixed days. It is impossible to know on which day I will do my training next week. Thanks guys.

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You can do that already: whenever you skip a training day, it is moved to the next. So let’s say you tell the Coach your training days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Monday you train, so technically Tuesday is free. But you can easily start Wednesday’s training on Tuesday, it gets moved.
Your next scheduled training day would then be Wednesday, which you skip because your Youngster demands attention, no problem… Train again on one of the remaining days of the week and you have completed a Perfect Week.

The flexibility is there …


nice i will try this :slight_smile:

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Hey all :wave:t2:

So first of all a huge thank you to EVERYONE that gave your input here, this kind of input is really very useful to us. We’ll look in to this over the next few weeks and I’ll try to share some highlights in the future if I can.

Regarding our prize…

Huge :clap:t2: to @Annalena :clap:t2: If you send me a DM I’ll get some further details from you :+1:t2:

Thanks again everyone!


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Grats @Annalena :clap:

@Ben Do we get to know the results as well? And when?



Hey Freddy :wave:t2:

Yup-I’ll try to put these in a shareable format this week :+1:t2:



Great news! Thanks :smile:


Hey team, that wasn’t included in the questionnaire but I thought it was important feedback to point out! I just wanted to say what keeps me coming back to Freeltics is the flexibility of the app and the Coach. It really feels like an actual Coach is working with you to adapt to your day. I cannot count how many times that “Adapt Session” button saved my training and enabled me to train despite some unforeseen circumstances. Instead of skipping a workout completely.

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Hey Tom :wave:t2:

That’s really so great to hear! :heart_eyes: It’s actually something that we want to focus on even more, and I think you can look forward to even more control and flexibility over how you can train in the not so distant future :+1:t2:


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Thanks @Ben !! That’s great to hear! Cant wait!

Is there anyway of having an option to revert to the old version of your app? Thinking of cancelling my account because the app is harder to navigate and the workout journeys aren’t as good as they used to be.

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Hi Thomas :wave:t2:

No-there’s no way to revert to a supported older version of the app.

We are doing a lot of work to try to make navigation around the app easier, and to make it easier to get to various end points without having to tap through what many Athletes said seemed like countless screens. Feedback on this so far has been fairly positive, and we are still continuing this work :+1:t2:

Other than adding the ability for users to have even more control over how they want to train (more adapt session options, more equipment options etc) we haven’t changed anything with the Training Journeys. The core foundation of the Training Journeys has, up until now, remained consistant.


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Hi @Ben,

did I miss the poll results somehow, or are they still coming?

Thanks & Happy 2nd Advent! :christmas_tree: