App update necessary

Hello there,
Much updates are made for the Freeletics exercice app, but nothing as already changed in the nutrition app. I was wondering when it will be done because, I think, there is something not really right in here.
Should I remember you that 20% of your muscles are constructed by the training, and 80% by the food and the recovery, when you sleep? If the exercise app is improved each time and not that of food, I’m sorry but one is not going without the other.

  • The recipes are not seasonal. I know that you have the choice between three recipes but when the coach proposes you to eat a dahl with pumpkins outside autumn. Could you find any pumpkins in your grocery in spring or summer? I do not, so you tell me where… And when it is summer, outside heatwaves, you do not want to eat something heavy and warm, too.
  • Most of the recipes are repeating but suddenly you have the choice to buy something else to change a little. And then it never comes again or after a very long time. So you have to throw the rest you did not used, because it was written for example an half of a vegetable.
  • A lot of recipes are very spicy. It is not given to everyone…
  • In some recipes, the quantity of an ingredient that must be put is missing. For example, for chicken with saté, it is not mentioned how many coconuts oil you have to put.
  • Coconut oil, smoked salmon and smoked tofu are OK, but if you eat too much, it is no more healthy… However, some ingredients cannot be found in my grocery, it is too exotic.
    Because all of that, the choice for me is restricted.
    I think there should be an update in this app, giving the opportunity to let the choice to the consumer what he wants to eat, and not just given a star when you have cooked all the recipes of the day that the coach gave to you… Because all of the recipes are from the coach, aren’t they?
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