Best practice Apple Health integration

I won’t comment on the missing Apple Watch integration - we all know that this feature is well needed. Anyway…

As I’m trying to find ANY workaround to use my Freeletics data together with my other Apple health data, I have activated the Apple health integration.

What is the current best practice to record the workout via Apple Watch? (It seems that Freeletics is recording something in parallel to the Apple workout. But now my calories etc are counted twice, it seems))

Has someone figured out a way to successfully record the Freeletics workout with an Apple Watch and can provide a step-by-step instruction?

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What I found best in my case is to:

  1. Disconnect the integrations between Freeletics and Apple Health so it stops counting double.

  2. When I work out, I start a single exercise of Functional Strength training for my whole routine. If I take a regular break within the exercise I just let the workouts in the Watch to keep going. If I take a bigger break between exercises (e.g. between my warmup and a God workout) I pause the workout in the Watch and resume it once I’m ready again. After I’m done my cooldown I stop it.