Blocked exercises

Under my progress tab I noticed burpee box jumps are blocked. I wish to unblock them, but under my Coach settings it indicates there are no excluded exercises.

Any suggestions? @Ben

Hey Jason :wave:t2:

What TJ are you on? Are you on a Bodyweight (BW) TJ? Essentially the Coach will only include BW skills on a BW session.

Assuming you are on a BW TJ, make sure you have the box enabled and any space restrictions (the “Limited training space” in your Coach settings) disabled.


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Limited space, that’s what it is! Thanks Ben. :v:

I’ve just started barbell gain actually.

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Any time, we’re all here to help each other :muscle:t2:

Ah cool, just be aware that although skills will show in your progress tab, they won’t be assigned as part of any weights session :+1:t2: They can be assigned if you adapt a weights session though (i.e. I don’t have equipment).


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