Many users provide important information about how a workout went in the end of workout posts. Currently there is no way to search through the posts other than manually scrolling.
A feature should be added allowing the user to efficiently search within their previous posts, by using a date range (and/or workout type).
What you suggested would be the best freeletics update, better than any dark mode or any daily athlete score!
It’s something I’ve asked customer support many times
I would also like to see this. I would also like to be able to see all of my past workouts for a given god right from the workout starting page along with my notes so that I could review my past performance and mental training notes before starting another attempt
Sometimes I take notes about the training session on my posts, being able to easily search for them instead of scrolling down until I find it would be a great update!
Just changing to the info layout to the exact date and not “xx times ago” would make it easier.
A calendar, like the consistency one, for example, would be perfect! Just clicking the date and I going to the post.
People need to follow their progression. It’s disheartening how frequently this concern arises on the forum, yet it seems to be consistently overlooked.