Guidance Needed for Warm-Up and Cool-Down Routines

Hi everyone,

I’ve been using the Freeletics app to train at home, and I love how convenient and effective it is. I’ve noticed that the app includes a “Base” time for daily activity, which is around 17 minutes. While that’s great for the main workout, I’m unsure about the best way to warm up before and cool down after my exercises.

For example, I really enjoy focusing on abs and often do the “Earn Your ABS” workout. However, I’m not confident about how to properly warm up before starting this routine or how to cool down afterward. I want to make sure I’m preparing my body adequately and recovering well to avoid injury.

Additionally, I love exercises like rope jumping and pushups, but I face the same challenge with those—how to warm up and cool down effectively.

Does anyone have recommendations for effective warm-up and cool-down routines, especially for ab workouts, rope jumping, and pushups? Any tips or routines you’ve found useful would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

For rope jumping, I usually do Calf Raises, Deep Squat Hold, Hip Circles, Table Twists, High Knees, Lunges and mobilize my ankles plus some easy Single Unders with no speed.


Thank you so much for the reply.
I think you mean all for warmup except calf raises for cooldown. Am I right?

I do this all for warmup (for what reason should you do Calf Raises in a cooldown? Did you mean Calf Stretch? ). As cooldown, I often use my theragun for a percussion massage of my legs (doing this one: Intensive workouts & individual training plans | FREELETICS
Just replaced the lat with my feet and the back with my hands).

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Yes I mean Calf Stretch, sorry.
Thank you for sharing the roller regeneration and your interrest.

The warmup and cooldown routines available in the app (Coach > Explore all > Mobility > Warmups/Cooldowns) should work well for your pushup and abs workouts. I’d just pick the upper body and core ones respectively.
Depending on how I feel, sometimes I follow them, sometimes I improvise thinking of the muscle groups of today’s workout.


Hi Sofia,

Thank you so much for your advice! I really appreciate the suggestion to use the warmup and cooldown routines from the app, especially the upper body and core ones. They do seem comprehensive, but I’m looking for something a bit more focused.

For my pushup workouts, I feel like doing a full upper-body warmup might be more than I need. I’m looking for a warmup that’s specific to just the pushups—something that gets me ready without overdoing it. The same goes for other specific exercises like abs.

Do you have any suggestions for a more targeted warmup that would get me ready for pushups without having to go through a whole upper-body routine?

Thanks again for your help!

Not sure how short you want it to be. Thinking of something very short, I’d do some jumping jacks or high knees to get the blood flowing and follow up with some arm circles and/or superman and plank.

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It’s exactly what I was looking for: something quick and effective to get me ready for pushups without spending too much time on a full upper-body warmup. I’m going to give it a try in my next workout and see how it feels.

I really appreciate your help!

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