How many pull-ups did the Freeletics Community manage to log on PU day?

Great effort on Pull-up day everyone that took part! :muscle:t2:

Let’s see how you think we all did! :wink:

How many pullups do you think the Freeletics Community collectively logged on Pullup day?
  • 0-25,000
  • 25,000-50,000
  • 50,000-75,000
  • 75,000-100,000
  • More than 100,000

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My husband did 250 - so I would be kind of disappointed in case of less than 100.000 in total :sunglasses::joy:

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250 is an amazing effort! I won’t say what the highest number by any one Athlete is…it might ruin his weekend! :rofl:

And bear in mind there are plenty of us mere mortals who struggle to do 10 :see_no_evil:


250 pull-ups…just the thought makes my arms want to fall off at the shoulder :sob:


Oh, he already recognized Dorian the machine did 1000 in 2019 :joy:
He’s got sore muscles as hell :rofl:

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Ah, I’ve heard about this legendary 1000 pull-up day challenge :see_no_evil: @Gokhan told me he has never been so sore in his life :rofl:

His arms must have been pumped! :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2: :muscle:t2:


Ok, so to everyone that answered “More than 100,000”…you were right! The grand total was 112,902 :muscle:t2:

Nice effort everyone!


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