New performance Metric - the Daily Athlete Score (DAS)

Thanks @Ben and @Sylvain foe the clear communication on this rollout :smiley:

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Hi, I have a guess about constancy: Normally I play a challenge in the afternoon near 13.30 and a TJ near 19.30. Only one day I play the same job but all in sequence near about 19.30 pm.
The constancy is fall down from 99 to 75. Is it normal?
I thought Ok, is only from that day but no it isn’t and I still try to raise at 99 (it is a bit frustrating). Thank you


All non-coach activities aren’t taken into account. Consistency is related to assigned coach days and coach days done. So if this score drops down than you have (future) coach days assigned but not done.
If you already finish your coach week on Wednesday (because you chose three sessions a week) and play around with self created or signature workouts the rest of the week - your consistency score will drop down because of your future assigned coach days of next week.


Thank you for details… Is is also my hell week :wink:

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Does DAS count the upcoming days when evaluating your Consistency?

Does changing the workout days during the week without reducing the number of workout sessions have a negative effect on the Consistency score?

I’m currently on the Everyday Strength journey. The coach never tells me what weight I should use for exercises involving dumbbells or plates. I can choose between weights of 5 kg, 7.5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, or 20 kg, and only I know what I’m doing. This choice obviously affects other exercises within the interval and the entire workout. So how can my performance be scored? My performance is dependent on the weight I use.

Hey everyone @here,

Just another quick update to let you know that this has now been rolled out to everyone-make sure you update your app if needed :+1:t2:

Please keep the feedback coming :pray:t2:


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No-it looks solely at the past 90 days.

Yes- the consistency score essentially looks at whether you trained when you said you were going to. If you don’t train on the days selected in your Coach settings, or change these part way through a week, the score is negatively affected.

Although you don’t have a performance score yet, this :point_up:t2: isn’t quite accurate. For smaller weight exercises in bodyweight journeys, you should always be using a weight that allows you to complete all the reps assigned in good form. +ve feedback to the Coach will have a +ve affect on the Performance Score, the opposite will be true with -ve feedback.


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Now, you find me confused.
First question: 90 days or 90 coach days?
Second question: why does the persistency score drop down after finishing the coach week but doing a “free training” the following day?

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Hmm :thinking: is this setting the right incentive for the athlete?

Yes- the consistency score essentially looks at whether you trained when you said you were going to. If you don’t train on the days selected in your Coach settings, or change these part way through a week, the score is negatively affected.

Life happens, plans in a week might change and e.g. I need to travel for business on a day where a coach session is planned. I would change this to a rest day when traveling and do the coach session when it suits better. But still do all the assigned sessions in a week.

Why should this affect consistency negatively? Just a thought.

Btw, I’d appreciate an option to opt out of this score.



90 calendar days…did I say Coach days previously? :see_no_evil:

Sounds like this is bug-let me check, I haven’t heard of this happening.


No, you didn’t. But the in-app explanation isn’t that clear in German.

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Ah…that’s useful input, I haven’t seen the German pop-up but I’ll speak to the team :+1:t2: Probably too late to change the in-app message but we can try to be more clear on the blog and future mailings.


If I feel sore and decide to reschedule my workouts to allow for better recovery, the app penalizes me by reducing my score. This approach seems detrimental to both mental and physical well-being.

Regarding consistency, I question whether swapping days should be considered a lack of consistency. If I planned to have 5 workouts in a week and successfully completed all 5, why should it be considered inconsistent? Lack of consistency would be failing to complete the planned workouts as scheduled.

It appears that more research and data collection need to be done before implementing scoring functionalities. Currently, the app does not monitor our heart rate during workouts, which is a crucial aspect when integrating sports activity with AI coaches and apps. Moreover, support for Apple Watch has been discontinued. Why isn’t Freeletics integrated with other devices like Garmin, Polar, Apple Watch, or why hasn’t there been development of a proprietary device? There is a lack of insight into our recovery process, sleep quality, and whether we experience any pain or discomfort in specific areas of our bodies.

Is it not possible to establish partnerships to access the sensors in Apple Watch and Garmin? If developing a device is not feasible, have you considered incorporating functionality that allows users to provide pre/post-workout feedback after a day or two? Valuable insights can be gained from such feedback.

Additionally, the app lacks knowledge about our activity outside of the Freeletics App. It does not consider our additional training activities that are not part of the coach sessions. It seems that this data could be utilized to enhance the coach sessions.

Another example of poor data collection is evident when setting goals, such as “build muscle.” This goal is too general. It would be beneficial to specify the areas of focus, such as legs, chest, or core, in order to receive a more tailored program to achieve the desired goal.

It is crucial for you to have a deeper understanding of your users’ goals, health status, regeneration process, other activities, and diet in order to compete effectively in the AI sports app market.

I love Freeletics for its programs and exercises. However, I cannot confidently say that it is evolving at the fastest rate in the market or focusing deeply enough on the most important aspects to maintain its position as a market leader for the next 5-10 years. I’m stating this now, loud and clear, to prevent any potential disappointment in the future.


Hi @Pawel,
The Daily Athlete Score will evolve in the next months, and constructive feedback like yours is always welcome, so thank you for that. I’ll try to answer it best in the following points:

  • “If I decide to reschedule my workouts, the app penalizes me by reducing my score”: your point makes sense, and we will take it into account for the next improvements.
  • “More research and data collection need to be done before implementing scoring functionalities (the app does not monitor our heart rate during workouts).”: The scoring “performance” is based on millions of data point to accurately represent each user’s performance level. Noting that this is a retrospective metric. So a lot of data is used to determine the score.
  • On the topic of heart rate - we wish we could share what’s on our roadmap as far as external data integration and how this will improve the score in the near future…but rest assured it’s being considered.
  • Regarding the Apple watch, we asked the community their feedback on the forum, and we’re exploring the possible integration of connected watches. But so far no final decision has been taken.
  • Being able to focus on a specific body area is also a great feedback. That would however require massive work on the Coach logic.
  • Having a better understanding of Athletes others activities and external data integration is also being worked on.

The app is in constant evolution and implementing new features requires a considerable amount of work and time. It involves multiple stages, including research, planning, designing, development, testing, including back and forth. So thank you for your patience and stay tuned. They are others improvements coming and we’ll update you all in that thread and on the Forum.


I find @Pawel’s suggestions very relevant, I just allow myself to press a little on the development of staedium which certainly monopolized a lot of the financial resources which could have been attributed to the development of support for a tracker or further integration of health variables. I really like freeletics and the values ​​of the application but I really don’t understand the link with a fitness system partitioned between four walls behind a television and connected dumbbells… I don’t see any freedom in this concept.
Of course it’s to expand the target audience but that part of the money from my subscription is used for that disappoints me enormously!!

Going back to the daily score feature, despite @ben’s announcement it is missing from my app I saw it for a few hours and then nothing… so I uninstalled then reinstalled the app to see if I had a bug but now it’s the experimental features that have deserted my application.

So I have neither the daily score nor the new training flow which I really liked.

Can you share a screenshot of your “Profile” tab? This is where the DAS should appear.


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Of course here is my profile


Ok, let us look in to it :frowning_face:

At first glance, it’s not what we would expect to see :+1:t2:

If anyone else is having the same problem please let us know below :point_down:t2:


Apologies :love_you_gesture:

Apparently the problem was on my side… I have always used “Blokada” an ad blocker which had never caused problems before with Freeletics. When I turn it off the experimental features and the daily score appear again in the app. I autorize “freeletics” to bypass filtering and it seems to work fine now. I don’t understand why it wasn’t a problem before but the main thing is that it’s solved.

Thanks anyway.

Deffo yes from me! That would be such a cool feature to have!

This is in response to the comment above " I would also love to see a global ranking for god workouts, even if it is just displayed as a %. I like to compete with the athletes that I follow, but would love a global ranking too (even though the top athlete will probably always be someone who cheated or had terrible form."