New performance Metric - the Daily Athlete Score (DAS)

Hey everyone,

Over the next few days, we will be progressively deploying a new personalized statistic called the Daily Athlete Score. If you don’t see it right away, please don’t panic, you may have to wait a few days for this to reach you.

This Daily Athlete Score is our own personalised measurement of your daily fitness level. The DAS uses over 100 different data points, based on different performance, consistency, and (eventually) recovery factors. It considers data points of millions of other Athletes to give you a near real-time view of your current fitness level, based from the past 90 days.

The DAS updates depending on the factors below:

Consistency: This part of the score is based on the number of Coach assigned sessions that you complete vs the number of workouts/sessions that you were actually assigned.

Performance: This is calculated based on various performance scores such as how well an Athlete performs an exercise. For the very first version, we are training the algorithm and building your performance data and therefore it may take a couple of weeks for you to see your score. If you do not yet have a score, you will see the following screen:

You will be able to see your own DAS by clicking on the “Profile” tab at the bottom of the Freeletics app.

This is the first version of this feature that will evolve over the next few months. Your feedback to make this feature better is important, so don’t hesitate to share it in response to this post.



Hi Ben

Does it consider also workouts that I choose on my own, so outside of the coach stuff?



So it will never reach 100 (as unless I finish a Hell Week new Coach Days will be assigned after closing the current week)? I’m having DAS since last week and after finishing my last coach day last week, my consistency was 99 - although I didn’t miss a Coach Day since February 2022 :person_shrugging:
Yesterday, after first coach day of this week, it hasn’t increased but it does today after doing a Regeneration Interval. I’m a little bit confused.

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Hey Ben
Can you send me the link :link: to the post and I’ll publish it in our community?

I’m not sure if this is the right approach. In my case I don’t want a comparison to other female athletes of same age. I’m disabled and have various neurological diseases - that’s why the only comparison of interest is the one to my past me.


And how will this comparison work on performance?
Is it based off the users timing but then what about the consideration of how well a exercise is executed with correct form. Could be flying through a god workout with crap form but get amazing DAS which then when it comes to the performance comparison wont be fair.

Will this always be enabled or would it be possible to toggle off?


look nice Ben!!

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Cool, really excited for this!
I’m looking forward to see how I compare to other athletes with similar age :blush:

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Will this take into account exercise outside freeletics? Such as a 5k run? Usually I track with Garmin

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Hey Marco :wave:t2:

At the moment the answer is no. But in the next update for this feature, possibly the one afterwards, this will change to “yes!”



Hey Mela :wave:t2:

That’s correct for the moment :+1:t2: Essentially the highest score you’ll see for Consistency in the app is 99.


Hey Mark,

I’ve DM’d you a link to this post :+1:t2:


Yeah I understand completely, it won’t be a score that everyone will make use of. But we do know that many Athletes are looking for some further indication like this, of how they are performing.

I think this :point_down:t2: comes more in to the discussions we’ve been having around better access to Athlete statistics, so that Athletes actually can better track their own performance over time. This isn’t something that we’ve forgotten about :+1:t2:



No, this can’t happen. It won’t take in to account just the time, but also your technique feedback :+1:t2:

It isn’t going to be an experimental feature, so it will always be there in your Profile.


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Hey Owen :wave:t2:

Not yet! But :crossed_fingers:t2: watch this space!


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Thanks for your response Ben!

I understand that but at the same time i can say my technique is excellent thinking it was but it actually wasnt which will in turn have an effect on the perfomance against your age group comparsion

But i look forward to the feature good to see that freeletics is still looking at ways to engage the user after so many years of being on the market!

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As long as I’m grandiose I like to be compared :joy:

To be honest, this must be a bug, isn’t it?


Realy nice!!! :partying_face: I am excited to use it and to see the compariaons!!!

As you already mentioned above, that you didn’t forget about the statistics: is there already a timeline for such a tool (for example a statistic to track the used weights over a long time)?

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It really isn’t. I don’t think it’s motivating anyone to have these scores kind of judging them constantly :slight_smile: I would opt out of I had the option.

Also, I think it’s inconsistent. My performance-consistency scores went from 60-80 to 6-50 after having a 5 day break from coach. It’s actually pretty demoralizing.

Comparison is the thief of joy, so don’t do this guys…


I am thrilled about this new feature and can’t wait for it to show up in my app! As someone who is very competitive by nature, this is something that I will find very motivating. I like that the score is a combination of performance and consistency. I totally understand that this is not for everyone, but for those of us who are into fitness to compete with each other (it’s all about sports performance for me), this is a great addition. I love the Strava fitness score, but having a score that measures not just my personal fitness but also my athletic performance and consistency (which is essentially my fitness) against my peers is a great way to stay motivated.

I’m also really looking forward to the potential importing of workouts from other sources. I only use FL twice per week but workout six times per week using other apps to track, so this would be great to have it all in FL. I hope that is actually coming soon :smiley: