New performance Metric - the Daily Athlete Score (DAS)

Same here. I usually run 15/20 km a week as extra training that are not into the Freeletics track. Would it be possible to sync with Garmin, or input this data?


Great development!

However, when will we get an integration with other tools such as Garmin?


First week with DAS behind me, a few thoughts:

  1. It’s worth noting that your rating is called “Daily Athlete Score” (DAS), but the activity of your users cannot be daily. We can train a maximum of 5 times a week with a coach, and a minimum of 2 times a week. Additional workouts are not included in DAS, so why call it “Daily” Athlete Score? Your rating is based solely on training with a coach and doesn’t even take into account other workouts done in Freeletics app to DAS score. Therefore, it should be called Freeletics Coach Score. That would be a more accurate and truthful name.

  2. The whole concept of DAS lacks a reference to the past. I would like to see my journey in the form of a chart with some beggining, like a stock market graph, to better understand my progress/freeletics journey:

  • To see the entire month, quarter, year and compare it with the previous period of time (many of us have been training with this app for +5 years, and we want to see that).
  • How did the same journey I did earlier this year affect me this time?
  • How did a two-day break affect me? By the way, two day break can contribute more than doing another workout, especially when building muscle mass.
  • DAS lacks more detailed metrics like Strength, Speed, Aerobic endurance (VO2 Max; we need integration with smartwatches!)
  1. DAS lacks information about overall physical fitness and mastered athletic skills. The ability to smoothly perform advanced exercises like Dragon flags, one-hand pushups, handstand pushups, muscle-ups, etc.

  2. It seems that DAS doesn’t understand the situation when a user changes their journey profile and switches from cutting to building muscle mass. Naturally, our workouts profiles change, become slower, we burn fewer calories, and week by week, we increasingly deviate from our Personal Bests in God Workouts. When building muscle mass, we always lose mobility and efficiency but gain strength. Later, we have to train with the new mass, and that always takes some time to adapt. Good Workouts are a key indicator for DAS, so if we drop a few minutes on 18 rounds, we are penalized and our score decreases. Should it? Not exactly. My strength increased, but aerobic performance decreased because the heart needs to adapt to the added 3-5 kg of mass.
    Conversely, when we switch from building to cutting, performance increases, and strength decreases (it always happens), but the DAS score goes up. I feel that DAS is too focused on time, so beating Personal Bests is a strong driver.

General thoughts that came up with DAS:
The coach should also encourage users to take breaks. When they see that our peak is behind us, our performance has declined and continues to decline, indicating high fatigue and likely muscle injuries or overtraining, they should suggest taking 2 or even 4 days off. There should be regenerative workouts with green dots that involve warm-up, s t r e t c h i n g, and light strength exercises to keep you in the shape. And then we can get back on track. In that case, DAS should not go down. Green workouts would be great after each hellweek.

I’m not a fan of DAS having a finite scale. The number 99 represents perfection. Looking at one’s score of 55-65 or anything else can be disheartening, especially if someone has worked diligently for a long time and still achieves a “meh” result. Instead of a finite scale, I imagine a value chart, like a stock market graph. Stock prices have no limit, and that’s a good thing. I would like to see how the value of DAS rises and falls over time. I want to know the trend, how much better am I compared to myself a month or a year ago? How has “my value” increased or decreased? This way, I would have a chance to appreciate my own work, my own efforts, and rejoice in progress or maintaining an adequate level. Take care to keep the chart moving upward, slowly but surely. Or at least keep it at the same level and prevent it from falling. Each of us has our physical limitations, not everyone has an athlete’s DNA to achieve a score of 96 or another high score. But such a person should also feel that their work with the app is valuable and makes him/her happy. It’s like getting an average grade at school.

I think instead of comparing ourselves to someone on the magazine cover or on Instagram (perfection refference), we need a mirror of ourself and feedback of “me yesterday, me today.” It’s healthier for our mentality than being ranked globally among 5 million users in our age group, training experience, and weight. Like, “You’re a 62, sorry”

When I get the functionality to see myself, only then option of comparing myself to others (99 as refference or other people DAS) make sense. That would be inspiring rather than disheartening.


I’d like to second your statements in this thread. Despite the issues raised above, I’m very glad to see the developers actively try to keep developing Freeletics. Some sort of scoring/value system is great as long as it helps motivate athletes.

I think it’d be great to be shown some insights about recent developments that influenced the score positively or negatively, perhaps with some suggestion to help improve the score moving forward.

Regarding the name itself, if daily metrics (additional workouts or sports, Heart Rate, HRV, sleep, …) are going to be implemented then DAS would be an appropriate name. That would be ideal.

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@Pawel and everyone sharing their feedback, thank you, we appreciate your input and interest in the development of that feature. As shared in the previous post, we are currently assessing and working on implementing some of the suggested improvements. We’ll communicate it here when they’re gradually released.

Please continue to share your thoughts in a constructive way :raised_hands:t2:

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Hi i see this feature for some time now but i don’t have any data to be shown. It only states, that the app doesn’t has enough data but i work out 5 times a week so there should be plenty :slight_smile:

I already reinstalled because I don’t see the new feature about the new update

Beat regards

Hi @steven.newberry and welcome,
The reason to that if you see the feature but have no score despite regular training, could be that you’re currently in a weight training journey. This metric “strength” is not yet integrated, meaning if it’s the case you’ll have to wait a few more weeks before having a score displayed.

I don’t want to start a new thread for this, as it could work as an addition to the new DAS: there’s an interesting repo on GitHub (which hasn’t been updated in a long time), but the idea looks pretty nice and I’d welcome some kind of dashboard like this. (There’s a demo at the top right; click on “Demo Page” after the initialisation).

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I guess in consistency no one can beat me so quickly…

A great update to make consistency more transparent!


Very impressive consistency there! Bravo!

I am a huge fan of this addition! I love that it shows the past training days as well as the upcoming coach days.

I live in a UTC-6 timezone. If I train after 18.00 local time, the DAS considers I worked out the next day, which is not correct (e.g., last monday I trained after 6pm local time, but it appears as if I didn’t workout on that day).

So, I have two questions:

  1. Does that affect my consistency measurment?
  2. I’ve set the coach to train mondays, tuesdays, thursdays and fridays. If I train on a different day, does it affect the consistency measurmente, even if I still train 4x week?


I find it very frustrating that the consistency drops despite perfect weeks just because I didn’t train on the given days. 10 perfect weeks in a row and the score drops from week to week. Changing the training days in the settings every week just for the DAS score can’t be the point.

Hope you will adjust this.


Hi @alex_nunez,

In the upcoming feature updates, consistency will be determined by comparing the number of planned training days in a week to the actual number of training days completed during that week. This approach provides more flexibility, allowing you to train on different days while still maintaining a consistent training.

The timezone can, indeed, currently impact consistency, and we can assure you that this behavior is on our radar. We will be working on that, although we don’t have a specific date to share yet.

Please keep in mind that improvements will be brought in the next months. You can expect to see a series of improvements coming.

We encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts and feedbacks :clapclapstatic:


It seems to me like the performance part of DAS only looks into performance of the gods, is that right?

Hi, I have been training regularly since the introduction of das but it still does not show any results. How long does it need?


I’ve been using freeletics for 8 years but DAS says it needs more data to show the DAS. Is it a bug? Thank you.

@andresvwt @piervoghera

Are you in weights/running Training Journeys? Because until now these metrics were not taken into account.

Hello everyone,
we are releasing new performance metrics in the Daily Athlete Score for both iOS and Android users: Speed and Strength.

  • The Speed score is based on the average speed of completing God and Running workouts.
  • The Strength score is based on the most common Bodyweight exercises (maximum repetitions performed within one set) and Weight exercises (1 rep max: estimated maximum amount of weight lifted in 1 repetition).

Both Speed and Strength metrics are also calculated in comparison to other Athletes in the same demographic group as you (age, gender).
For this reason, you could observe in the next update of your DAS, a significant change. That is the impact of these 2 new metrics that you can check in the performance split.

As usual, be sure to have the latest version of the app installed.
Any feedback is welcome.


I have the version 23.29.0 and can see the speed score now but not the strength score, does it come after the next update?

I still feel it’s pretty unmotivating seeing the DAS go down with more and more workouts (gods) I do instead of up… I’m getting personal PBs so I’m still improving but yeah, sometimes I wish I could turn it off…

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yes, weight training.

i have read in the forum that maybe it only takes into account gods workouts…
but since i’m not fond of those, i won’t get any result unless i do some (how many?) of those??