New performance Metric - the Daily Athlete Score (DAS)

Absolutely agree!


totally agree! It is not selfexplaining and also hard to follow, as there is no trend/history visible.


Hello everyone, and thank you again for providing feedback on the DAS.
I forwarded all your feedbacks to be considered. In the meantime, here are responses to some points that have been mentioned:

  • The Freeletics level is not an indicator reflecting your current fitness level, but rather how many trainings you have accomplished. The Freeletics level is a liner stat, while the DAS is a dynamic one. They are unrelated.

  • The value of the DAS is understanding what areas of your overall fitness is optimal vs. not (this is why it is benchmarked with users with similar demographics) and how this changes day by day (currently updated after a training). Since there are multiple factors that make up the overall fitness level (skill, strength, stamina, speed) it can be hard to tell what area is improving vs. what is reducing without seeing the numeric representation. The value is therefore data visualisation / understanding.

  • You can understand and improve your performance by analysing your DAS and its metrics. In the current blog article (The Freeletics Daily Athlete Score (DAS)), you’ll find some helpful information. Beginning of September, this same blog article will be updated, and a new one will also be posted, giving more useful information. That means, if you’re looking to improve a certain metric, you’ll know where to put your effort.

  • We released the DAS ~2 months ago, at an early stage, knowing that most of the improvements would be done in the upcoming months. Recommended / actionable insights to improve your DAS will be part of upcoming iterations. That will give you more guidance to increase your score, and understand how it changes.

  • The DAS is a numerical and visual representation of your fitness / athletic level which is dynamic (meaning in changes often). The purpose of DAS is to help you understand where you are performing well & what areas could use improvement, taking into account others Athletes with the same demographics. This is not for comparison, but to qualify the data and give you the most accurate representation. The purpose of the DAS is not to aim for a score of 100 on each metric. Your goal should be to rather improve (potentially gradually) on levels that matters to you, and aim to have an optimal score for each lever. There are many things that will affect your DAS (like your general fitness) e.g. sickness, injury, period, mental health, etc… This is normal, as seeing a drop in score due to these circumstances does not have to be solely demotivating. The only score that you should / can aim to keep at 100 at all times is consistency because consistency is KEY!


Hey everyone,

We have recently published a new blog article and updated the existing one.
They will give you the latest information about the Daily Athlete Score, and what its main goal is.
How to understand and use your Daily Athlete Score
The Freeletics Daily Athlete Score (DAS)

As usual, any constructive feedback is welcome and will be considered :clapclapstatic:


Hello everyone,

thanks a lot for the great insights you shared regarding your experience with DAS so far. My name is Idil, and I work in our product team that is responsible for improving DAS.

We are paying close attention to your comments, and we would like to schedule a 30-mins call with the interested Freeletics users from the Forum.

You could expect some questions from our side to understand your overall workout experience and how you interact with DAS. Of course, you would also have time to share further feedback regarding other topics. This is a meeting where we would like to listen openly.

You could simply use this link to schedule a call with us directly:

I am happy to answer your questions if you hesitate to schedule.

@loaht @Sofia @melaLetics @gameonplayer @Pawel @meuhiit @Hans_Vandenberghe @uwwo @Theo @konrad.neugebauer


Hi Idil,
I really like your initiative. Currently, due to professional reasons, it will be difficult for me to find time for a call with you and your team, and unfortunately, it may take a bit longer. However, I will gladly respond to your questions or communicate with you via email. It’s not the ideal method, but it will always be an opportunity to share thoughts and experiences related to DAS. I’ll send you my email via private message in case you’re interested in contacting me.

If a call is the only option, maybe next time I’ll be more flexible with my working hours :+1:t2:


I’ll take it, thanks. I’ll plan a call.

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Hey @Pawel , of course, I understand if you are not available for a call currently. Your detailed insights shared here are already helping us immensely, so thanks again for that.

Also thank you for offering your support via email, I’ll definitely approach you for the cases where you can provide feedback asynchronously e.g. survey or remote user testing. Talk to you soon!

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I’d like to say more to the topic, but I’ve been recovering from a sickness for the last month, so I haven’t been interacting with the DAS lately and don’t know much about the more recent features.
But I’d like to start training slowly again from next week on, maybe we can plan a call after I’ve had more time with it. Is that ok?

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Hey @gameonplayer, hope you recover fully very soon! Of course, you can use the same link above when you feel ready

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I’ve also been crazy busy with work lately, hence my late reply, but I’ve finally managed to book a call with you, looking forward to speaking to you :slight_smile:


Dear Support,

I would like to know in which journey you will assign me weighted pull-ups.

Thank you for your time.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Logging external Daily Activities in the app

Hi @mark1998 - I would love this feature but I don’t believe that weighted pull-ups are part of Freeletics currently. That said, if I’m feeling like increasing the strength demands of my coach workouts, sometimes I’ll throw on a weighted vest and do the normal assigned exercises. You are always welcome to add weight if you want :muscle:

thank you

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Hey there,

why does my consistency drop? I have not missed planned session for the past 12 months. I have finished a hell week last Sunday, took a break on Monday, had a regeneration session in Tuesday and started a new journey on Wednesday. The result is that my consistency and my overall DAS drops. Sorry, my criticism with this metric remains. I simply don’t want to be punished after finishing a journey successfully.



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Similar. My strength value used to be in the 80s or 90s, but it’s been dropping for a few weeks and is now at 44.

I have no idea why. I perform everything I could perform before.

The only thing I can think of - the app has started regularly offering me to do archer pushups. I have honestly fed back a few times now that ‘I could not perform a single rep’. Is that it? But I was never able to perform them before either, so my strength has not degraded. Are most women on Freeletics able to perform archer pushups, and that’s why my value is at 44? I don’t know what the logic here is.


And the next one in my DAS saga. I had to reduce time to 15 minutes today due to professional constraints. I’ve done my session, happy to get a bit of exercise in the time I had and the result is that my Stamina value drops by 2%. Sorry, but that is not how this score should work. I simply do not want to be punished for my work/life reality by some software. At the same time, I am drawn to good statistics so my criticism remains, the score does not motivate me, its unclear what it actually means as the model is not disclosed, and it does not help me. Therefore, please do give me the chance to opt out of this and concentrate on my training.

Of course if you are all level 80-100+ users, managing 60 minutes training every day with more responsibility than just juggling code or development tasks in a suitably agile environment, please do let me know I am happy to learn.

Best wishes!

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Hey everyone @here :wave:t2:

We have released an update to the Daily Athlete Score (DAS) calculation after much of your feedback. The DAS will now be based on your best record from the last 90 days, reflecting your performance more accurately.

With this improvement, for the workouts where you did not achieve your best, your score will not decrease. Instead, it will be calculated based on your best performance from the past 90 days.

We believe that this update will provide a more comprehensive and fair assessment of your fitness level, taking into account your sustained performance over time.

The consistency metric calculation remains unchanged.

As usual, feel free to share your thoughts below :point_down:t2:


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I thought, this was an excellent update but it may not have solved anything I have pointed out above. Two examples from this week: (i) Two days ago my consistency reduced despite the fact that I have not missed any of my scheduled sessions. (ii) Today I have beaten my personal best in Selene by over six minutes, I am now 2.5 minutes faster than the stated time interval and 1.5 minutes faster than the Freeletics Official. I was rewarded with a reduction in DAS, thank you for that.

I am begging you, if you cannot make the score work, give users (obviously me in this case) the chance to not see it. Any teaching ground course will tell you that the type of feedback I described above is simply not good. The score remains intransparent and arbitrary. Education theory will tell you that this should be avoided at all cost as it is demotivating and disempowering…

Best wishes!