New performance Metric - the Daily Athlete Score (DAS)

Hello everyone,
Here is a new update to the Speed and Stamina metrics in the DAS.

The speed metric can now be opened, and you will find an explanation of which workout contributed to it with their corresponding score (depending on how well and fast you performed it compared to other Athletes with similar demographics). You can check PB from last 90 days, and the respective score you got, benchmarked to other similar athletes.

The Stamina metric can now also be opened, and you can find which exercises contributed to your score, your highest rep per set from last 90 days, and your respective score, benchmarked to other similar athletes.

Next will be the details for Strength

We want to give you a clear picture of your performance to motivate you, so we are curious about your feedback :point_down:



I need some help regarding this.
I looked into my details of speed and switched to score. I did an Erebos PB - so it shouldn’t be calculated with “just” 30 when compared to my past me, should it?

Hey @melaLetics,

I am not sure I understand 100% :see_no_evil: It might be that I just haven’t had enough coffee yet but can you break the question down for me a bit more? How many times have you done Erebos in the last 90 days? And remember that your score is based on your speed with that workout compared to other Athletes, not to other Erebos attempts that you have done in the last 90 days :+1:t2:

Not sure if that answers the question or not :see_no_evil:


I never did a full unscaled Erebos before - it was the first time I earnt the star therefore it’s a PB.
So oneself is still compared with other athletes?
Sorry, in this case I absolutely don’t get the point of the improvement :see_no_evil:

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They still don’t get that many of us just want to be compared with our past selves, not with others.

Most of us are not exactly prototypes of the average person, so it won’t mean anything positive to be compared with others.

I want to see My progression. And ideally not a static number representing my current condition but a graph of my evolution (with the algorithm’s estimation of my max 1rep evolution in a few key representative exercises, for instance).

That would be truly informative and a great incentive for me.


Hey @melaLetics :wave:t2:

In this case, then this is the only workout that will count towards it.

If you had done this workout previously in the last 90 days, then only the better “result” would count, rather than an average of the two as would have been done previously.

Yes, this is still true for this metric. I do understand the feedback raised by many others in this topic regarding this :+1:t2:


Hey @melaLetics - I think in this case the DAS is only comparing your best score (a PB in this case) to the best score (in the last 90 days) of all other athletes.

From my understanding, the performance portion of the DAS is designed to demonstrate where your fitness level sits within the Freeletics community.

@AOhReallyUh Yeah, like the very beginning of DAS. My question was more about the quoted improvement. I hoped it wouldn’t be like this anymore.

By this Mela do you mean comparing your performance to other Freeletics users?



How is kettlebell training included in the DAS?
I am currently doing the kettlebell journey and I am seeing a consistent decrease of my strength score, despite my feedbacks are good.
Is there a logic behind this?
Or maybe kettlebells exercises are totally excluded in this metric?

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Hello everyone @here,
we’re moving forward on the next update for the DAS Consistency (for both the logic and the visualization) and we want your input!

Logic Update
To celebrate all your efforts and make our logic flexible:

  • Your Consistency would be calculated based on the days you hit your Base. This means if you achieved 17+ minutes with the Coach, or with an external workout synced in the app, you would gain consistency points.
  • If you shift your workout days and train on a day you have not planned in your settings, you would still gain consistency points. (Nr of days planned in your week vs. Nr of days you trained)

Consistency Calendar View Update
We have explored different views to show your accomplishment in the app.

  • Which view makes you feel accomplished most ?
  • Which view makes you want to paint the whole calendar?

We appreciate your feedback and comments below.
Let us know which version of the visualization you prefer (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
We will use your feedback to reshape, before we start implementing it.

Thank you!


Good to see new updates coming.
For the visualisation part I really have no preference to be honest.

I would like to see consistency calendar going further back and not showing only past four months if this is something that could be implemented.


I feel like the check marks are the most understandable option (#3). But why does an done coach day need TWO checks, if it is already marked via color?
One blue check for base, one orange check for coach day should be enough.


If you shift your workout days and train on a day you have not planned in your settings, you would still gain consistency points. (Nr of days planned in your week vs. Nr of days you trained)

THANKS so much! This issue was the main reason I ignored DAS. As a father of 2 kids it is currently almost impossible to hit my 3 planned training days, but I mostly managed to get 3 workouts in sometime other than planned. And I did not want to update training days on a daily basis. :slight_smile:


Option #3 seems to be the most intuitive solution. You’ve already identified your coach, and you’ve also marked your base. By doing so, you’re setting yourself up for success. Keep up the great work!


Initially I found #2 the most intuitive. Similar to what @CrystalEYE liked about #3, this would mainly use colour to indicate whether it was a base day or a coach day. Personally, I found C for coach and B of base quicker to remember than one tick mark vs two.

What is unclear to me is, how would you indicate a day that had only a very brief (say 15 minutes) coach workout. Would this still be marked orange with two ticks for #3, although it would no longer count towards the consistency score with the new calculation?

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If I understood correctly, Base is counted to consistency in addition to coach days. So a 15 minute coach day will always be positive for your DAS and will be marked as coach day in the calendar.
Everthing else wouldn’t make sense to me. :slight_smile:


#3 is the most intuitive for me.

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What base means?
I’m supposing that coach day means a day you follow a workout made by the coach?

I don’t like that you can’t see the number in a Calendar. That’s kinda bad.

Raúl Cerda Estrada.

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The number 5 seems the clearest to me, especially with the day number provided. However, beyond the visual aspect, what I really need is an authentic calendar, resembling a diary. By tapping on a day, it would lead me to the sessions I’ve had, along with the notes I’ve taken each time. This functionality would be incredibly useful, allowing me to track my progress over time.