Overall posture check and correction before weightlifting

Hey guys!

I might have missed a feature, but I am surprised not to find a posture check/diagnostic and correction before starting weightlifting journeys.

As you might know, exercising with wrong posture might have impact on the long run.

I came across this video, which includes posture tests and correction plan. Perhaps that could be implemented ?

Interesting idea :thinking: Posture and technique is super important, for all exercises not just weights-another reason why we invest so much time in our instructional videos for each exercise :+1:t2:

How would you see such a feature working in the app exactly?

I imagine a posture diagnosis with tests like shown in the previous video, as part of the evaluation week.
Depending on the posture tests the user passes or not, include posture correcting exercises as part of the training plan, re-test after a while and re-evaluate the training plan.

So over-time, the posture is being improved as an integral part of the journey.

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Any news?

It’s something we discussed-it requires a lot of work though and new capability that just doesn’t exist at the moment in the app. For example, camera integration, then algos that track and evaluate body angles/positions/movement throughout an exercise.

Essentially, due to the amount of work I don’t think we can expect anything like this in the near future in the app-but it is something that is definitely on our minds :+1:t2:


Thanks @Ben !

Perhaps a simplified first version may include posture tests and let the user reports him/herself whether the test has been passed or not, as shown in AthleanX videos?

Of course it is not as fine-grained as your proposal, as int his scenario only failure and success are measured, not progress.

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