Pause journeys in the app


Long-time Freeletics user, new to the forum. But my question fairly simple - is there a possibility to pause the journey? The question rises, because I am going to have a bit of active travel (read also: mountains) and usually around this time of the year I’ll have 3-week break of working out and letting my body recover from weight lifting/intensive bodyweight training. Last year I used this tactic and just worked quite well for me. Body felt far more fresh and was ready to grind like crazy to new heights.

So repeating the question - is pausing ongoing journey an option or should I just let it slide and coach to its work by postponing the workouts until I do it?

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Postponing is equivalent to taking a break :slight_smile:
The coach pushes your training unit until you have time again.
I’m not sure about the new badge-feature with its “X weeks unbroken”. But I guess this will restart by zero.


Thank you for the reply! :slight_smile:

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