Perfect Week Streak

Please help
I started the 5th session of the week few minutes before midnight
I finished after midnight
It didnt count on my week session as usely :confused: !
Vzry catastrophic for me
What to do ?
Is there a way to fix it ?

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I do not think there is any chance to fix it. Since you finished your session on Monday, it is logical that this will not be counted for Sunday.


Donโ€™t worry! Youโ€™ll get it next week. :muscle:

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I lost my 41 perfect week streak :,(

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I lost my 20 weeks streak twice. This really doesnโ€™t matter :wink:

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I feel your pain :tired_face:

I usually start my training session a few minutes before midnight and finished after midnight but always counts on the day I started. I never experienced something like thisโ€ฆ