Question about the Nutrition App

Hello free Athletes,

My name is Janis, I’m living in Portugal and on my way to achieve the best version of myself :blush:.

Therefore, I also started to count my calories and even purchased the Nutrition App.

My Age: 36
Height: 188cm
My weight: 95kg
First, I want to get lean, so aiming for a calorie deficit and loosing wait.

With the help of a formular before using the Nutrition app I got the following results (at the moment I mostly sit in the office during the day, before I was a chef, burning way more calories :joy:):

45% carbohydrates 261g
35% Protein 203g
20% Fat 52g

Now to find out the Freeletics nutrition app average, I counted all the meals of a day together and got the following results:

2218kcl (with workout meal)
28% carbohydrates 111g
42% protein 162g
30% fat 118g

Without a post workout meal, I would end up on 1977 calories and as we can see, the Nutrition app is aiming for way more fat then carbohydrates (for me, that is totally OK, I even prefer).

I am just a bit doubting about the calories in general.

Before I train now blind one month and find out that I should eat way more, I prefer to ask here for help from you gurus before, if the percentage balance and the quantity of calories is ok related to my weight and age (I do the shred&burn journey, four times a week, and I love it).

Thank you all for your help and keep shredding legends,


I displayed the wrong percentage for the balance of Proteins/Fat/Carbs regarding
the Freeletics nutrition app… But the amount displayed in g are correct :sweat_smile:

Hey Janis, a big welcome to the community :wave:t2:

What are the doubts here? I’ll try my best to offer some reassurance or some tips :smile:


Hello Ben,

Thank you so much for your reply!

Basically I was a bit wondering about the high fat percentage in the Nutrition coach.

The other day I had to do 2xKyklops and mid workout I felt like I am without energy, no benzin was left :sweat_smile:

But I could got already some help from a Freeletics ambassador and I adjusted a bit the carbohydrates intake.

Can be that my body is also not yet used to this kind of diet :joy:. Just a bit more Keto related (the Nutrition App.)

Besides, I like the Nutrition App a lot :+1:t4:. The results after a few weeks already are insane. Well, everything Freeletics related is a win actually​:blush:

Thank you for your help and keep it up :fire::call_me_hand:t3:

Double Kyklops will finish most people :sweat_smile:

It might be worth double checking your Nutrition Coach settings, particularly the “Activity level” and make sure you have this set right. If you think it’s right, then although it’s important to try and stick to the mealplan-an extra healthy snack if you are completely empty isn’t going to be a huge negative.

What I would highlight though, is that maybe you need to consider if the Coach is starting to assign workouts that are simply too much. I know that lots of us never like to admit to the Coach that a workout was too much and we weren’t able to complete it all, but it’s really important to indicate that if so. This is also the only way to ensure that your future sessions are also at the correct intensity level.


Hey Janis,

Congrats on your commitment to self-improvement! Your dedication to tracking calories and using the Nutrition App shows real determination.

Your calorie breakdown and macronutrient percentages seem reasonable for someone aiming to get lean. However, it’s always good to double-check with additional resources.

I’d recommend checking out some reliable fitness blogs online to gather more insights and tips. They can offer different perspectives and experiences that might help fine-tune your approach.

Keep up the great work on your shred & burn journey!

Hello Ben,

Thank you so much for your reply again!

That is definitely true, sometimes we should be honest with ourselves after the training and I did this indeed as well time by time.

Just this time it felt different :sweat_smile: I realized that it must come from the Nutrition, like a car without Diesel.

What you are saying about the Nutrition I hundert percent agree! Unfortunately it took me a long time to understand how important it is, to not just what we eat, also the quantities we eat.

Roger, activity is set up properly and the post workout snack as well. :grinning:I love the Nutrition app. Would be just nice if it would experience a bit more “love”. It has so much potential :blush:

Ben, thank you once more for your time and feedback! I will put all these points in consideration and let’s see where we end up :fire::fire::muscle:t3:

Hello Adam,

Thank you for you reply and this nice words.

Yes, I definitely look for additional sources, once the topic nutrition is so big an Intresting.

I have a book from a German bodybuilder as well (steroid free :sweat_smile:) who also breaks down the importance of what and how we have to eat, and that usually, without calorie counting we are getting nowhere.

Glad that in your opinion It looks like I am on the right way, once my goal is definitely to get lean, before switching to get more weight.

For me it is important to reach a certain level of bodyweight skills, before adding weights again.

Thank you for your feedback and let’s goooo :fire::fire::fire::muscle:t3: