Screen tilt and iPad-Support

I‘d like to request the feature to be able to rotate the screen to landscape mode, especially to workout with my ipad :slight_smile:



I second this, it’s really awkward when I use my ipad to start training; wouldn’t want to use my phone tbh.


I agree. This is a must!


I am a user for years and yet they have done huge improvements but not this landscape mode support. As a native iOS developer, I can understand how sometime it can be challenging but “challenge” should be the nature of the Freeletics team isn’t it? :slight_smile: Anyone hear us? Did you guys ever tried to have a workout with iPad + Magic Keyboard? :slight_smile:

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It is the same with android, I find it really bizarre not to have this very obviously necessary feature

Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback! We hear you and will forward it to our team :muscle:

Great to see the same wish in the English forum. I wrote the same thing on the German forum a few days ago: [iPad Landscape mode](iPad Querformat Modus). :wink:

I hope, this is coming soon. :slight_smile: