Suggestion to put a workout summary on the feedback screen

Suggestion to put a workout summary on the feedback screen.

Hello free athletes.

A small suggestion to Freeletics: put images of the exercises that were done on the feedback screen.

Why? Since the APP wants to know how I did in the workout, sometimes it is difficult to remember each exercise and especially how it was performed.

If there is a summary of the interval on this feedback screen, then we would not have to try to remember each exercise done in the interval.

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Hey @wagner

The current Feedback screen is very easy though-all you need to know is if the session was too difficult, and once you indicate this e.g. “I couldn’t perform all repetitions with the correct technique”, you will get prompted with exactly what you are suggesting. The Coach only needs to know what exercises you found too difficult in any interval.


Hi @Ben

I don’t think you understood me.

What I suggested was a summary of the workout with images of the exercises, regardless of whether it was easy or difficult.

That screen you posted only appears if the user had some difficulty.

Do you understand now?

Tell me!

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I understand what you are suggesting :+1:t2:

