Wrong date in app

After updating to the latest version 24.39.3 on the Apple App Store this morning, the app is showing the wrong date. October 8 is shown as yesterday and showing the session I completed yesterday.

**Before reporting a potential bug, please first try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. **

In order for our technical engineers to reproduce and understand your problem as quickly as possible, we usually need answers to the following questions :point_down:t2:

-Description of every single step you made until you encountered this error-what did you do, what happened?

-What is the brand and model of your mobile device? (for example iPhone 13 / Galaxy S21)

-Which operation system is your device using? (for example iOS 13 / Android 11)

-Which version of the Freeletics app are you using? (for example 6.37)

-Which language is your app set to?

-Which timezone/state/country are you in?

-What date and time did this problem occur?

-Which browser you are using (if experiencing a bug on our website)?

Please also attach screenshots or a screen recording showing step by step how you encounter this problem :point_down:t2:

Be aware that it can take some time to reproduce and fix certain bugs, and so we do not normally give in-depth updates when resolving reported problems.


Can you share the whole Coach tab screenshot?

Thanks in advance @mrkdca


I don’t think the wrong date is showing (it is after all Tuesday 8 October), but potentially the wrong card…having the whole screen would help understand what you are seeing :+1:t2:


Yes the wrong “card”. It is showing me the session I did yesterday for Oct 8. Oct 9 says “No session planned for today”

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And can you also share a screenshot of what is showing in the Coach tab tomorrow? You should have a session showing right? But you say there is instead the card “No session planned for today”?

Thanks in advance :pray:t2:


This is what I have for tomorrow. It’s what I should be seeing for today. Thanks Ben.

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Ok, that does look weird :cry: We haven’t been able to easily replicate it in the team ourselves.

I know it’s a long shot, but can you try uninstalling and then redownloading from your App Store for me? If that doesn’t solve this then there’s something we need to look in to :+1:t2:


I deleted and re-installed. Still showing yesterday’s session for today.

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Ok, we’ll need to take a look. Thanks the extra information - it does help us.


Hey, I’m experiencing the same issue:
Yesterday (10/7), shows ‘no personalized session planned for today’
Today (10/8), shows a summary of yesterday’s workout
Tomorrow (10/9), shows today’s personalized session

Also deleted and re-installed the app, and the issue persists

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Hey @mrkdca and @fd5yh8wjrq :wave:t2:

Thanks again for taking the time to let us know about this. I just wanted to let you both know that we’re looking in to this-I’ll try and reply to you here as soon as I have any updates :+1:t2:


I updated to version 24.39.4 this morning, and the problem with the wrong dates is fixed, but now I can’t see most pictures or see any videos or exercise descriptions. This is very frustrating

I deleted and re-installed several times.


Same problem here

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We are aware of this @mrkdca and @gyrlano :point_down:t2:

We’ll update in that post when we have a fix for this. We very sorry for this and we’re working on a fix as fast as possible :+1:t2:


Just to confirm for everyone that this bug is now resolved :+1:t2:
