Base reset incorrectly


My Base reset itself to a one day streak, even though I’ve logged 17+ minutes every day in 2024.

Yesterday, I completed my Coach workout, a challenge, and logged data from Apple Health for another ~12 minutes. The app did confirm yesterday that I had exceed my Base goal for the day.

I’ve seen other forum users experiencing this same issue, so I have already tried: restarting the app, logging out and logging back in, uninstalling/reinstalling the app. I’m using Freeletics on an iPhone 13 Pro Max running iOS 17.3.1.

Any help you can give to restore my Base streak to its correct number is much appreciated. Gotta have my Base!

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This is not the same problem that really a very small number of users have experienced.

I’ve taken a look and have sent you a DM :+1:t2:


It seems that i have the same problem…

Hey Johannes :wave:t2:

Not the same problem. You really do need to open the app each day after any logged activities in order to sync your Base.



thank you but i opened the Appy every day but the base effort diden’t sync :frowning_face:

I’ll send you a DM :+1:t2:


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Hi. I’ve wasn’t able to log my exercise yesterday and have now lost my streak. Can the app add exercises retrospectively? Thanks