Hello there,
since it’s a known thing that the “Dumbbell Gain” Journey is a little bit bugged out, I would suggest or recommend to develop a way of being able to set the rounds or sets for some of the Excercises and to adjust the approximate time for a session to 0:30, 0:45, 1:00, 1:15 and 1:30.
In response to those settings, the algorithm could be able to add more useful exercises to the session instead of having 7 rounds of the same exercise.
I know that there’s a workaround with adjusting the weights and it may help for one session, but it doesn’t help with another session, that only lasts for 25 minutes. Cannot change a lot about those either. Also having the need of using workarounds for bugs shouldn’t be the way to go.
I really like the freeletics app and I would love to upgrade my subscription to life long support. Unfortunately this bug is driving me to use another app as my primary app and using Freeletics as kind of a backup thing.
Please give us a reason to stay with you.