Change interval for God workout
Hi @borisboris2208 welcome to the forum!
Intervals are there to supplement your training and will result in better time and strength during your god workout.
Intervals are generally also their to complement your training whereas a God Workout test your fitness.
Could you please explain a. Hit more why you want to switch from one to another?
Hi @borisboris2208 ,
if you in general prefer God-Workouts rather then intervalls, you need to choose the appropriate journey. They differ in the way prioritice one or the other.
If you just want today a God Workout, just start your regular session and instead of doing an intervall start a God. Then finish the incompleted session and all is fine.
Freeletics Hardcore journey is mostly God workouts (often times two a day) so if you are looking to challenge the gods, that is a good way to get all the gods you can handle. If that level of challenge is not what you are looking for, the Explosive Strength journey has a lot of gods, I did it three days per week and 2/3 of my days had Gods included in the training.