Daily Activity time zone issue

The Daily Activity/Base feature….I’ve linked it to Apple Health. Today it lists the Freeletics workout I did and the Apple workout I did yesterday. Yesterday, the Daily Activity feature showed the Freeletics workout I did and the cycling that I did the day before. Non-Freeletics workouts are lagging by 24 hours.
Maybe a time zone thing.

Hey Brian :wave:t2:

I can see you are on the updated version of the app so we don’t need any other information from you, but could you share some screenshots of your Apple Health and Freeletics app showing the inconsistency?


Freeletics screenshot showing today’s

Freeletic’s screenshot showing yesterday’s Base

Screenshot from Apple showing history (Apple and Strava double up - it’s annoying but the data is not double counted at least)

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I’ll correct myself. Apple Fitness doesn’t double count the duplicate cycling workouts, but Freeletics does.
So what seems to happen is, I work out in Peloton and they send the workout to Apple and Strava. Strava then imports the workout and then also sends it to Apple. Apple records it twice BUT when telling me on my Watch how many minutes I’ve worked out for it shows 45 minutes instead of 90. Freeletics reports 90 minutes.

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Ok, I think I see it :+1:t2:

So, just to confirm, the cycling that you did on Monday (45 minutes) doesn’t show in the app in your Base until Tuesday (and when it does we are duplicating the entry). Likewise the Cycling that you did today, again 45 minutes, doesn’t show at all, but you essentially expect it to show there (again duplicated) tomorrow?

So there are still two separate issues here:

  1. The duplication of the entries - I think this is hard to resolve because the activity is there twice in your health app, under separate entries
  2. The time gap between the external activity being logged in your Health app, and being logged in the Training app


You got it.

I started this topic because of the issue you’ve flagged as #2. That’s the one I hope you’ll be able to fix.

#1 is caused by Strava and while Apple is effected by it - they seem to have solved it. Yes you obtain 2 results from the query to Apple Health but Apple Fitness seems to recognize that the event type (cycling), date/time and length of exercise is the same so it drops one of the duplicates.

I don’t care (much) if #1 is solved.

Brian Capstick

Hey @brian :wave:t2:

Can you delete your app from your iPhone and then reinstall it from the App Store for me?

:crossed_fingers:t2: this should hopefully resolve the delay for external activities from now on, but please let me know if for some reason the problem persists :+1:t2:


Didn’t have to delete and reload. Opened the app this morning and saw historical events were corrected and today’s events were recorded correctly.


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Ah, that’s great to hear Brian, thanks for letting me know :clap:t2:
